Chapter 12: New Suit

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Something like this, but more smooth and shiny like the Tony's in Infinity War. I found this on Pinterest.


I've talked to Peter about me leaving. He was a little sad at first. But after I told him why, he understood why I needed to go. Dad let him keep his suit, which made Peter so happy. He was just a little bummed that he couldn't try his new suit, which was made of nanotech.

Speaking of new suit, Dad had made me one. He finally got nanotechnology. After many years of tinkering with it, he finally got it down.

That's where I am actually. Trying on my new suit.

"I couldn't fit them into bracelets. So I just made you one like mine. Twins!" Dad handed me a triangular chest arc reactor. It was blue with a silver outline. It wasn't heavy at all.

"It actually fits into this?" I inspected the arc reactor closely. I used my glasses to scan the small device, getting an inside look.

"Yep." Dad nodded and pointed to the arc reactor on his chest.

"And you've tested this right? I don't want to get stuck in the suit or blow up or something." I attached the reactor to me chest slowly as I raised an eyebrow at him.

He scoffed. "Of course I did! I wouldn't let you test it without being sure it's safe."

"Just making sure, just making sure." I put my hands up and laughed.

I brought my hands back down and let out a breath, grinning like an idiot.

"Now, I'm more like you!" I spread my arms out and smiled at Dad. He smiled softly, letting out a little huff of laughter.

"I would take off your jacket though. It won't be comfortable." Dad nodded to the leather jacket hanging on my shoulders. I nodded and placed it on the chair next to his work bench. "Now, just tap it twice."

I looked down to my chest and double tapped the arc reactor.

I gasped at the sight of the tech moving up my body, and down it. The blue and black armour consumed my chest, back, head, arms, and then down to my legs and feet. My glasses connected with the suit, being made of nanotech already.

The suit felt so much more fit and flexible. I felt comfortable and safe.

The screen in front of my face appears and it's similar to my old suit.

I looked over to Dad who had a large smile on his face. His arms crossed as he watched me.

"This is so fucking cool!" I exclaimed as I looked down at the suit. It just looks more... shiny and new. Like a new car.

"I added in so many new features and weapons. It can create a shield to help with defence." Dad almost squealed as he made his suit appear. "F.R.I. is connected to both our suits. You also have A.N.I.Y.A.H."

I awed at the sight of the nanotech surrounding his body, starting from his chest. The red and gold armour looking icon and badass.

"Damn!" I hissed. Dad's face popped up onto the screen."We look good!"

"Come on." Dad walked to the back door of the lab. I followed quickly. "I'll show you how to it works."

We walked outside. I obviously had to make myself invisible to everyone else, but I stayed visible for Dad.

Dad took off and hovered in the sky for a moment, looking down at me.

I followed his lead and flew next to him.

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