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The next day, Shoyo woke up, lookin' all worn out. Even Atsumu was shocked when he saw Shoyo dozing off even though he got out of the bed.

" Shoyo-kun, are you okay?" Atsumu asked, gently patting Shoyo's head. Shoyo nodded his head, letting Atsumu pull him in his arms.

" Onii-chan " From behind, Natsu looked up to them while rubbing her eyes. Shoyo picked her up, squeezing her in his arms, while Atsumu wrapped his buff arms around the two. Even though the atmosphere's lively, he can't forget of what happened yesterday. Hopefully, this won't go around. 

From the other side of the table, he can feel two pair of eyes staring holes at him. He tried avoiding it but every time he looked up when someone's calling him, his eyes are always landing at the two Fukurodani players.

" Hey." Shoyo flinched when a cold voice called from behind. He didn't even know if he's the one getting called at.

" Hey you. You redhead." Slowly, Shoyo turn his head.

" I heard you slapped my sister yesterday. May I know why?"

I totally forgot about him. Shoyo said in his mind, his eyes staring at the boy standing not far behind him.

" I'm asking what's the reason? My sister told me you suddenly slapped her just because she asked for your teammate's number." Shoyo was taken aback. He suddenly felt the intense stare coming from the others sitting not far from him.

" I think you're misunderstanding things here, sir—-

" Of course you're going to say that. Misunderstanding things? Then explain to me why she got this bruised after meeting up with you?" Seijuro moved aside, showing to all of them the weirdly big bruise on Hyori's lips, up to her cheek.

" What the?"

" That's a huge ass bruise."

" I don't think Hinata was the one who did that."

" He even cried when he accidentally hit my ball—-

" Shut it, Terushima."

" No offense but you'll never know."

This nasty bitches. Hyori said in her mind, mentally clicking her tongue while looking around. Just then, an idea pop in her mind. She whimpered, her hand landing on her cheek, " I-It hurts."

" Hinata-kun, did you do that to her?" Sugawara asked, holding himself from standing up. Shoyo turn his head to him and quickly shook his head.

" Then what does he mean by her meeting up with you yesterday?"

" Its—-

" Please don't lie to us, Hinata."

" I'm not—-

" Be honest, Hinata."

" I'm tryi—-

" I hope it's not what I think it is."

" It's not my fau—-

Every time he tries to say something, he's being cut off, bombarded yet again with another questions like " Don't lie." " Be honest." " Shoyo-kun" " Hinata, say something."

Even his own mind is telling him something. Are you sure it's not your fault? Don't lie, Hinata. He couldn't think straight with the others drowning him with questions. Some are even yelling from the other side of the table. He didn't know what to say, what to do.

He didn't know when, why, or how did he say it.

But he said it.

The whole crowd drop silent. Some looked at him with wide-eyes. Some can't believe it.

As if he just came back to his own body, he quickly looked up. He flinched when he saw all of them looking at him intensely. Some glared, some can't just believe it, and some stared at him.

No, Slowly, Shoyo stood up, That's not what I'm supposed to say, slowly stepping back turns to running out of the dining hall.

" Onii-chan!" Natsu shouted, climbing down from Kenma's lap. She run as fast as she could, trying to catch up with her brother.

Slowly, the others went back to eating with the managers help, trying to put all of their thoughts aside for the players to continue eating.

They're just going to forget about it?! Hyori mentally yelled. Walking up to the table, she sat beside Atsumu, who quickly noticed her but he didn't question her. Much to her dismay.

" Is your lips okay?" From the right side, Sugawara asked the girl. She nodded, trying to look pitiful in their eyes. She gently caress her cheek, faking her whimper which caught the others' attention.

Seeing her in that kind of state, they can't help but ask the girl if she's okay. Me too. I wanna ask her too. Is she okay? Is her mental health okay?

To be continued . . .

𝔱𝔥𝔞𝔫𝔨 𝔶𝔬𝔲 𝔣𝔬𝔯 𝔯𝔢𝔞𝔡𝔦𝔫𝔤

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