Chapter 11

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This was the ice ninja's reply only a few hours before and the rest of the ninjas told him they needed time to think about it. Lloyd, on the other hand, already made his choice not to reveal his identity to the ninjas. He hadn't yet told the rest of his teammates that that was his answer since he still needed a believable excuse as to why he wouldn't.

Lloyd didn't have time to think anyway since the school was starting in two hours and he needed to get a few things ready. Firstly, he called Skylor and told her everything that happened. She knew he was the green ninja so she wasn't in any way surprised.

"So the ice ninja suggested that you and your ninja friends give up your secret identities but only between yourselves so they can use his method to figure out where you are and how to get you?" Skylor asked.

"Yes," Lloyd responded over the phone. He was in one of the passageways and was putting a few books in his bag.

"And we can't let them know that the green ninja is you because it's you they're after," Skylor said.

"Yes, again," Lloyd said trying to conceal his frustration. Skylor noticed this of course thought about calling him on it.

"Why do you sound so frustrated?" Skylor asked.

"Well," Lloyd said trying to put himself at ease, "Ever since the students first sighted me a few days ago, the drama and all the other stuff that comes with it that I had been carefully avoiding for months just flooded back into my life in only a day."

"Today," Lloyd continued, "I have to do what I did last year at the Winter formal so I can continue to avoid the problems. And that's not even the most frustrating part."

"There's more?"

"Skylor, you've known me for years. There's obviously more."

"I was just being sarcastic," Skylor said laughing to herself. "Alright, what could be more frustrating than having to use all your strength and power to wipe the school's memory clean just so you can enjoy life in solitude?"

"Firstly, I'm only removing a part of their memory. If I could, I'd erase myself as Garmadon's son from the minds of everyone in Ninjago City but I'd need a lot more power for that." Lloyd corrected. "But the people I really wish I could erase their minds are the ninjas."


"Yes, seriously," Lloyd said as he zipped up his bag. "All of them seem to have a burning hatred towards me for some reason and I mean Lloyd me not ninja me. It's more obvious in Red and Water. Blue and Black don't seem to hate me as much but they still dislike me and White keeps his emotions to himself."

"Well, I'm guessing you didn't just call cause you needed someone to talk to," Skylor said.

"You're right, you're right, I'm getting distracted." Lloyd reminded himself, "I actually need an update on today. Kai, or was it Morro? Not sure who it was anymore, but someone said something about there being something going on today."

"You don't remember?" Skylor asked worriedly.

"That's not the point, right now," Lloyd said, "Is anything coming up today that I should be aware of?"

"Well," Skylor thought aloud, "The only thing I know is that the school's holding another private meeting today because of your father's terrible parking skills."

Lloyd sighed as he walked out of one of the passageway doors. Skylor heard it and sighed too.

"Don't worry about Garmadon, Lloyd," Skylor told him, "Someday, you and the ninjas will beat him and all this bullying will end."

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