Fake Smile part 2

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"Shawn ?" Skye walks towards Shawn . Skye kisses Shawn on his cheek . " Wait you guys know each other ?" She says . I force a fake smile just to make her think everything is fine between us ....

"Uhm y-yeah we dated ." Shawn looks at me like i just killed somebody . " OH YOU DATED THAT SHAWN !" No way she is for real right now . How could she forget ! And she had the nerve to say that maybe we could be friends because we " know " each other . Like seriously what is wrong with this girl . Well at least I know him . In a way ... "mhm yeah that Shawn ." It itches so much to say something bad right now ." I'm that Shawn ." He says . It's getting awkward ." Oo okay let's continue." Skye walks to the kitchen island . " no no no no hold up , Skye ." She turns around ." What? You got something to say ? Mh?" She really did me dirty. I'm mad at her for doing this . She fucking knew about it . I think she only did this to annoy me . But I got to keep it together. Not for her but for me . Don't want to let shawn think I'm doing bad now . " No its just that you never mentioned you liking him when we were together." Sorry not sorry Skye . She just smiles and continues to walk to the kitchen island .

A few hours later of talking and having some drinks Skye starts to ramble about all kinds of stuff . Like how she got called about being in a new Mama Mia movie and a music video of Harry styles . She says that Harry maybe has a thing for her ." I don't like him but if he would have asked me out before shawn I would have said yes . But only because he's famous." Skye is so open . I could never say things like that . She even would say this in an interview on live television. Can't relate. Skye is very funny and a great talker . You never get enough of her . Not even when she's throwing up on ur new fur coat . But if it comes to her job and being an actress she's very serious and greedy . I mean I get that . It's all she got. Her parents are both big in the acting industry. Her father is also a producer . Her mother is a writer . She writes for movies and she writes her own books . All very complicated people but they are really nice people too . When I first met them they were already trying to hook me up for a new Star Wars movie . I had no time to answer because Skye got mad at them that they would do that to me without asking .

Without noticing I started to zone out for a few minutes. Not knowing that Skye left the living room . Shawn stares at his wine glass. He looks so good . Can't believe that I'm still attracted to him . Don't blame me please . His hair matches his outfit perfectly. He really took his time to look good . Did he know I was gonna be there ? All of a sudden we lock eyes . His dark brown eyes looks literally into my soul . He breaks the silence." How are you doing ?" Blinking my eyes rapidly." I'm fine . And you ?" My eyes roam trough the room . Really don't want to have eye contact with him . " I'm great."Skye enters the room . Today was kinda fun . I have no hate towards Shawn , I never had . We just talked the rest of the night . "I think I'm gonna go home ." Shawn stands up ." Yeah me too ." Skye looks at Shawn in confusion." Already ? I thought you would stay ." Shawn shakes his head ." No I have an interview tomorrow morning." I sigh ." Always busy ." I didn't say it that loud . He probably didn't hear me but Skye did .

Shawn and I walk downstairs together. He looks at me and smiles . He is Over me for sure . I'm not over him . Like I said before he was a good boyfriend. Just work got in the way . He walks to his car and notices that I don't have a car ."Alice ." While I turn around I ask him what's wrong ." Do you need a ride ?" I shake my head ." C'mon I insist ."He smiles at me ." Alright, but no music my head is killing me ." Not really a good idea to drink before a work day .

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2020 ⏰

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