70. Another chance at a new start.

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"What are you going to do with me?" Ray asked.

Pep watched her from the dark corner, "I already told you."

To Ray, her voice was deep and sultry. Pep had a way with words, the way she commanded them, and everything else around her to bend to her will.

"How are you going to do it?" Ray had nothing to lose, she enjoyed the moments' Pep spent with her.

"Tell me, how did you feel the first time we met?" Pep ignored her question to ask one of her own.

"First time I saw you I thought you were a show-off." Ray rolled her eyes.

"You aren't wrong but I asked how you felt, not what you thought of me." Pep dragged her stool across to the center of the room to sit closer to Ray.

With a deep sigh, Ray said, "I felt my stomach tie itself in knots... you were beautiful-" Ray had her head rested against the wall when Pep interrupted her.

"Were?" Pep raised her eyebrow.

"And you had an air of superiority around you," Ray continued her sentence undisturbed. "I felt like I needed to be around you, I felt like I needed you to accept me... as if my self worth depended on it."

"Would you consider me a narcissist, Rayuga?" Pep said in a gravely calm tone.

"I don't study psychology." Ray hissed her teeth.

"You know, when I met Tash, I thought maybe I was looking in the wrong places for love." Pep bit her lip, "All these women throwing themselves at me, doing whatever I ask of them, it wasn't pleasing."

"I guess you could say Kurt and I feels the same... too much pleasure is pain." Pep's humorless laugh sent chills prickling at Ray's cheeks.

"In the beginning, she turned out to be like everyone else and I was slightly disappointed that she saw the money instead of me... just like everyone else." Pep's eyes were focused on the cement wall behind Ray.

"Why were you disappointed? Didn't you basically recruit her?" Ray asked with confusion in her voice.

"I don't even do the recruiting, that was Melody's job at the time. Yet still, I personally went out of my way to get her into bed with someone that night when." Pep stared at Ray, a pitiful scowl clearly etched onto Ray's face.

"But... you were disappointed when she turned out like everyone else?" Ray's tone gave away that she was obviously annoyed.

"YES! YES, I was fucking disappointed!" Pep stood up from the stool to kick it away from her.

Realizing how nonsensical her actions were, Pep took a few deep breaths before returning the chair to its original position in the center of the room. Ray was shaking her head with her mouth in a pout, she was getting tired of the mind games that Pep liked to play.

"I took everything out on her, I locked her in a cage" Pep had her arms folded against her chest, she had come directly here after she left the dealership.

"A cage that I had initially gotten for a guard dog but then didn't bother to adopt because I couldn't be bothered with the responsibility and I would have to pay for a live-in maid and I didn't want anyone at my house.. you get what I'm trying to say." Pep's words came out hastily and jumbled.

Each time Pep took the iron stool to the middle of the room, it became a confessional. Pep had sins to confess but she wasn't religious, she didn't trust a shrink, and she didn't think it would be right to express how she felt about Tash with Tash. So before she took a life, she unburdened herself onto ears that would hear nothing other than their own screams before they are silenced forever.

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