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I pulled up to my old home with Tyrann in less than 15 minutes. I sighed as I looked up at the place I once called home. I pulled my shades from my face and looked at the time. It was 11:13 pm.

I stepped from the car and pulled my coat closer since the breeze was very cold.

I knocked on the door to his house 3 times and stepped back. I then heard the locks being turned and then the door finally opening to Tyrann in nothing but gym shorts and a muscle shirt. He looked like he probably just got out the shower and probably rushed straight out just to answer this door since his skin was still glistening.

He stood there leaning on the door frame with a smirk plastered on his face. He then dangled my junk drive in my face.

I sighed and tried to snatch it from him and leave but of course that wasn't gone happen since this nigga wanna play and snatched it away.

"Nuh uh, we had a deal" he smirked.

I rolled my eyes and brushed passed him inside the house. He closed and locked the door and pulled me to the living room.

"I know where to go, thank you" I said sarcastically as I snatched my hand away. Of course that probably hurt his feelings. I really didn't want to be in here. It just brought back memories of that day he hit me. I can still see myself running around here trying to get away from him. I can still see that vase coming for my face and me having to dodge away from it. I can still see that evil look on his face as he stared at me with pure hatred and hurt. I can still see him throwing me out and me tumbling down those steps and him dumpin' my clothes on me.

I can still feel his hand on the left side of my cheek.


I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at Tyrann.


"I been callin' yo name for like 5 minutes girl. You gone sit or not?" he asked lookin' up at me from the couch.

"Oh, y-yeah" I said sitting down on the opposite couch.

"Damn like that?" he chuckled as he moved to the same couch as me and pulled me so that I was leaning on him. I politely pushed him off of me.

"Tyrann no. Don't do this" I practically begged him. I did not want to cheat on Jarvis. He's been too good to me. He's been there through all my hurt with Tyrann and he even help me gain my self esteem back and he loves me unconditionally. Maybe i'm contradicting my self in a way but i'm not trying to be stuck in between the two again. We all know how that ended up the first time.

Tyrann sighed and leaned up so that his elbows rested on his knees.

"So its really over Brittney? Just like that? We're married. We're suppose to work through this." he looked over at me with sad eyes. I had to look away. Having this conversation was becoming a pain to me. Why did I bring my country ass over here?

"Tyrann." I stressed as I shook my head. "Let's not do this right now. It's not the time for all of this. You need to move on like i'm trying to do--

"Tell me you still love me" he said sliding closer to me.

"Oh my gosh, I knew this was a mistake" I sighed as I got up and headed for the door.

"DAMMIT! BRITTNEY SAY IT!" he yelled making me damn near jump out my brown skin. My eyes widened at his tone. I was already half way to the door. He rushed in front of me and blocked me from taking another step.

"Tell me you still love me" he repeated in a much calmer voice as he pulled me to him by his waist. You would have thought this nigga may have been drinking by the way he acting.

THE GAME: OVER TIMEUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum