Part 3

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A searcher crashed into a few chairs, Henry's foot still outstretched from the kick. His axe was brought down into their heads, and he thought he'd finally killed them all.
Henry then felt pain as an unnoticed searcher punched him. Henry swung his axe at it, only to realize he held the wrong side and nearly cut his hands.
Be did hit the searcher though. It went flying into the drum, a loud echo going off. Henry left the room, not noticing that he was being watched.
Then he found the other valve pipe, only to realize that the valve was missing. Henry searches along the ground, hoping to spot it.
He was near an inky hallway, and jumped at the sound of ink splashing. He saw what appeared to be another searcher, but was swollen looking.
He also had a yellow hard hat on, and was holding... "My valve!" Henry charged at the inky being. It ducked into the ink with a scared groan.
Henry looked farther along the hallway, and spotted it reappearing in the ink further along. He followed it all the way to a room with big pipes and crates in it.
One of the crates was attached to chains and being held in the air. Henry spotted a lever that would send the crate to the ground.
If he could chase the swollen one under the crate...
Henry charged at it again. It took a few tries until it was under the crate.
Henry slowly backs up towards the lever, the swollen one looking curiously at him, wondering why he wasn't after him anymore.
Until he heard a clicking noise, and looked up a second before being crushed. Ink flew everywhere, and all that's was left of it was a valve and hard hat. Henry picked up the valve.
"Sorry, nice hat though." He said. He left the room and put the valve back where it belonged. He turned it and then left for Sammy's office.
He got into the musician's office and turned on the pump switch. "Finally, I can leave this hell." Henry said. He walked out of the office and down the hall towards the exit.
He suddenly felt a sharp pain in the back of his head and darkness threatened to take over his vision. Henry collapsed onto the ground and saw an inky figure standing over him.
"Sheep sheep sheep, it's time for sleep!" The inky man said. "Son of a-" Henry blacked out before he could finish his sentence.

Henry woke up and heard talking. The voice sounded familiar. His vision was slightly blurry, but was getting better every passing second, and his ears were ringing.
"There we go now, nice and tight, we wouldn't want our sheep roaming away now, would we?" The same inky man as before was tying Henry up against a post.
"Who are you?" Henry asked. "Shhh! Quiet, soon you'll be dead and the lord will be pleased, don't make what I'm about to do seem cruel." The man growled.
(Btw I know I'm doing the dialog wrong but this is my version of batim so it's not exactly going to be the same, but it will sort of be the same.)
Henry didn't want to die, he wasn't ready to die yet. He wriggled around in the ropes as much as he could, hoping to get a knot loose.
Then it clicked in Henry's brain who the inky figure sounded like. "Wait, you look familiar, that face...not now, the lord needs his sacrifice." The man said.
He started walking towards a door to call Bendy. "Sammy, what happened to you?" Henry asked. The inky man quickly spun around.
He hadn't heard anybody say his name in a long time. "How do you know my name?" Sammy asked. "You used to work here, what happened to you?" Henry asked again.
Sammy shook his head and left through the door. He started yelling into a microphone that was attached to the speakers.
Henry didn't listen to what he was saying, he was too focused on getting out. He only stopped for a second when he heard Sammy screaming in pain as Bendy was killing him.
Henry finally got out of the ropes and ran towards his axe that was resting against a wall. Searchers tried to stop him, but he just ran right past them, smashing boards as he went.
He finally got to a hallway, and then the walls turned black. Henry felt his heartbeat speed up and he frantically looked around.
Bendy appeared out of an ink puddle and lunges at Henry. The animator jumped back and booked it down the hall, not looking back.
He saw an open door ahead of him and got an idea. As he was running, he snatched a board that was leaning up against the wall and when he passed through the door he closed it and blocked it with the board.
He huffed, out of breath and relieved. There was a sudden loud sound behind him and he turned, realizing just now that he'd dropped his axe. A can of bacon soup rolled slowly across the floor.
"Who's there? Show yourself." Henry demanded. A cartoon wolf hesitantly stepped out from behind the corner and looked over at Henry.
"Boris?" Henry asked.

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