Chapter 18: The Dream

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Hours... It has been hours since what happened with Ultron. The girl had gotten to Bruce and sent Hulk on a rampage, Tony had gone to stop him in his Hulkbuster suit; Steve, Nat and Thor had all been taken down. And I'm still not sure why she had no effect on me when using her mind games.

"The news is loving you guys." Maria's voice pulled me from my thoughts. "Nobody else is." She spoke through the communication link of then quinjet. "There's been no official call for Banner's arrest but it's in the air."

"Stark Relief Foundation?" I asked quietly.

"Already on the scene." Maria responded. "How's the team?"

"Everyone's..." Tony trailed off as he looked over us all. "We took a hit. We'll shake it off." It was easier said than done.

"Well, for now, I'd stay in stealth mode and stay way from here." Maria stated. It was frustrating to hear.

"So, run and hide?" Tony questioned, leaning forward slightly. Whether leaning forward was improving his eye sight or his back, I'm keen to find out.

"Until we can find Ultron, I don't have a lot else to offer." She sighed.

"Neither do we." Tony mumbled before turning off the communication. He began slowly approaching Clint, who was flying. He started asking some sort of question but I couldn't hear it from where I was sat. At this point, I just wanted to sleep. But for some reason, I didn't want to. I almost feel guilty for not being there to help stop Bruce. If I was, there might have been less damage. I covered my eyes and face, sighing quietly before sliding my hands away. When I opened my eyes everything was gone. Tony, Clint, Natasha, Thor, Bruce, Steve, and even the quinjet.

"H-hello?" I couldn't see anything besides darkness. I took a few steps on what seemed to be nothing. Suddenly my energy, my magic, it appeared in my hands, then began draining out of my body, covering the darkness and beginning to form... something. After a few seconds a house started to appear, and it seemed oddly familiar to me. The structure finished forming, then began to materialise into a more house like colour and material, no longer glowing blue. I looked to my side, seeing an entire street now around me. I turned back to the house in front of me.

"Where am I..?" I mumbled, stepping forward and reaching my hand towards the door knob. As soon as my finger grazed the door it automatically opened, slowly moving in the opposite direction of me. It was confusing, because once the door fully opened, nobody was on the other side. I slowly stepped inside, still having the odd feeling that this was familiar. It was almost like I was having deja vu. Cream coloured walls, grey carpet floors. Grey carpet floors. Grey carpet floors. I continuously repeated as I slowly walked further into the house, staring at the carpet.

"Grey carpet. Grey carpet. Red carpet." I paused. The once relaxing, comforting and calm coloured floor, was now a deep crimson. The carpet being practically covered in... something. My eyes slowly looked further forward, seeing an adult male, face down with blood covering his clothing. I hesitantly stepped towards the man, gently placing a hand on his shoulder and rolling him onto his back. Now I could see his face properly. He looked... similar to me? There were a lot of differences between us both, but I could see a lot of features we shared; H/C hair, face shape. The man had many, many gunshot wounds in him. Looking further forward, I could see the kitchen through the doorway. I stepped over the man and entered the kitchen cautiously. There was an adult woman, also face down. I could see what looked like a serrated knife still in her right hand, which was resting palm up. Bending down, I got closer to the woman, unsure of what exactly to do. A whimper nearby caught me off guard. I quickly looked upwards, seeing a small boy in the corner of the kitchen, sniffling and whimpering as he held his head against his legs in the fetal position.

"What is this..." I whispered as I began to piece everything together. Finally something dawned on me. I quickly rolled the woman onto her back, getting a better look at her. E/C eyes. There were E/C eyes staring at me, no light left in them. It can't be...

"Take the boy." A commanding voice broke me out of my moment. I looked back up, seeing 5 men, one of which I remember as a HYDRA operative. Karpov. Instantly I watched two men snatch the boy and suddenly disappear into dust. The other men suddenly disintegrated along with them. Then everything around me began to change again. Suddenly there was an excruciating pain in my head.

"смерть" A stern voice began. My head erupted in pain, as I barely caught a glimpse of the same boy strapped down in a chair, writhing the same as I currently am. "затмение." The voice continued as they walked around the boy. I was only a few meters away from them, yet it seemed like they couldn't see me. There were multiple other soldiers around too. "опустошение." My head felt like it would tear itself apart, like I had the most painful headache known to man. "тишина." Now I could finally see that there was a red book in the man's hands, and I caught on to what this was. "десять. объединяйтесь. Покойся с миром." These are my memories. The memories that had been locked away from me, that I had never been able to remember. "превращаться. коготь." At this point I just felt like I wanted to die. I didn't know why this was effecting me, but it hurt... it hurt a lot. "мигать." The keywords finished, and the sound of the book being closed rang out. The pain suddenly stopped. No headache, no pain. Nothing. "доброе утро солдат." The boy- my younger self looked up.

"готов подчиниться." My younger self said calmly. Then suddenly my surroundings began to swirl around, a cloud of dust enveloping everything around me before disappearing. The odd lighting and the soldiers faded away, and then I was back.

"Y/N!" My head rolled to the side slightly, looking at Tony who was stood over me along with Steve, Nat and Thor. I didn't know where I was or what was happening. It took me a few seconds to realise I was on the floor of the quinjet, but I still didn't know what had happened. "Y/N, are you alright?" Tony asked in a tone that made me think he had been asking repeatedly.

"What the hell just happened." I placed a hand on my forehead and tried to sit up, only for Natasha to push me back down.

"Woah, woah, woah. Don't rush yourself." She quickly said, reaching for something behind her. She quickly returned her hand, a water bottle in it's grasp. She placed the bottle down next to me.

"You didn't answer my question." I said in an almost drowsy voice. I wanted an answer right now, and if they didn't give me one, I'd go completely batshit.

"The girl. Somehow her magic messed with your mind too." Thor stated, crossing his arms and looking over me. It was a little creepy, but he was probably thinking of some sort of explanation on how.

"That doesn't make sense, though. She couldn't have done anything to him with this much distance between the two." Steve watched Thor with a confused expression. Suddenly a thought hit me. I recalled something from earlier.

"Maybe it did work..." I mumbled, catching everyone's attention. They all looked at me.

"What worked?" Natasha questioned. She placed her hand on my shoulder for support as I sat up.

"She tried to use her mind games on me earlier, but it didn't seem to work. Maybe it just took longer to actually work on me, compared to you guys." I began to mumble through it as I remembered what I saw. It was like looking in a mirror that showed 10 years back.

"Sounds like a really stupid explanation, but it's all we have." Tony sighed before part big my shoulder and walking away towards Banner who still seemed shaken up from earlier. Clint was still flying but he seemed to be glancing at me slightly, in an almost caring way.

"What did you see?" Steve pulled me from my thoughts. I didn't know what he meant at first, but eventually understood, but also didn't really want to tell him.

"That's private." I mumbled, standing up and walking back to my seat. I could feel Steve's gaze still on me for a few seconds, before it broke off. I didn't know where we were going, but I just wanted to land already. Seeing what had happened to my parents, hearing those words again. Death. Eclipse. Devastation. Silence. Ten. Unite. Rip. Transform. Claw. Blink. Those words all made up the national anthem for hell. But for now I would sleep. When I would wake up, we would be on the ground. I laid my head back against the wall lightly. It was uncomfortable but I didn't care, I just wanted to forget about everything for now. It only took a few seconds for me to slip unconscious.

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