Heavy rain in our heart

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The letter that Hoyoung left for them was being placed on the table. Everyone left the living room in their on mind.

Yeonho goes to the supermarket that he and Hoyoung once went there to buy dinner.

" What do you want for dinner? "

" Some kimchi soup would be perfect hyung. "

" You know what Yeonho, you six are really a family. You have the same taste as each others. "

" Cause we really are, but not only six! "

He wish that he could turn back the time.

Yongseung puts some new books on the bookshelf  inside his room. He used to share this hobby with Hoyoung.

" I didn't know that you love books. "

" Why are you so surprise? "

" I love reading it too. "

" I have just bought some interesting books! Do you want to read it with me hyung? "

" Of course, you know I can't deny you. "

You promise to buy some new books right Hoyoung hyung? What takes you so long?

Dongheon goes along the park where he and Hoyoung first met.

" Hey stop bullying that one person, or else I will call the police! "

" Thanks...for helping me. "

" You wear the same uniform as mine. Why didn't I see you before? "

" I'm a transfer student, just moved in today. "

" Oh...By the way I'm Dongheon, Lee Dongheon! "

" I'm Hoyoung. "

" I will be your friend from today. And I promise that from now on, you won't be bullied any more under my protect. "

I have promised that right Hoyoung?

Minchan goes inside the kitchen where he and Hoyoung used to cook dinner for everyone.

" Your food is delicious Minchan! "

" Thank you, yours is excellent too! "

" No I'm still need to improve a lot. "

" From now on we're the chef. We will cook together forever okay? "

" If you feel okay with that. "

" Forever okay! "

You haven't teach me any new recipe yet.

Kangmin sits on the sofa and watches the TV souless. All 7 of them used to watch the film together and he would definitely lay down on Hoyoung lap and watch it.

" You really like to lay back on me, don't you? "

" Yes, I do! "

" Then what if someday I am not here with you to you to lay on? "

" Then I will lay on someone else and be clingy to him. "

No it wasn't right. I only want to lay on you.

Gyehyeon see Hoyoung was inside the library. If it was him from two days ago, he would easily go inside and messed up with Hoyoung. But now all of his moves was freeze. And he is standing there looking at him.

Hoyoung finally stands up and leaves the library. He saw Gyehyeon was standing in front of the library door and doing nothing. Hoyoung shoke his head to clear his mind and pass by Gyehyeon quickly not trying to see him again.

Don't be regret like that Bae Hoyoung...

You have made your own decision....You choose to leave them, let them feeling the happiness without you.

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