Meeting Again

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Jeff the Killer:

"Trick or treat!" The children screamed in front of you. You smiled and waited patiently behind them. they were cute kids. After they walked away, you and F/N approached and grabbed your candy. Your bag was getting rather full, and so was F/N's. You glanced at the children around you as you began walking home. You loved seeing other's costumes. There was a ghost, a superhero, a princess. A zombie, a vampire- oh hey! Another clown! A witch, some sort of murderer with a a slit mouth, another superhero, a-

Wait a damn minute. You turned around and scowled. That bastard from before was standing nearby, sucking on a lollipop. You weren't surprised, but very angry, to see a child near him crying their eyes out. "Oh boy." F/N muttered, seeing you once again stomp up to him. "You-you-" Gritting your teeth, it took all your strength to not cuss this guy out in front of the kid. "You piece of- you absolute- how dare you-" He lowered his eyes, unamused. "You can't just- just- steal a child's candy! That's horrible!"

"Okay okay, hold up." He held up his hand. "I didn't steal no candy, I got my own fair and square like a good boy. I don't know what your problem is or why you're out to get me, but you better watch what you fucking say around me, bitch." He growled. Oh hell no. Oh hell no. He did not just say that. You put your hands on your hips. He raised his eyebrows. "My problem is-"

"Okay I don't care bye." He strolled off, making you nearly scream your head off that very instant. You would've if a crowd of children hadn't been staring at you two and listening. You would get your revenge. You swore you would.

Ben Drowned:

'It's not real . . . it's not real . . .'

The past twenty hours, you hadn't been able to get that strange, no TERRIFYING boy off your mind. The second your high wore off, your mouth fell open and your stomach dropped, finally realizing what had happened to you. Or . .  what you thought you saw. 'You were just high off your ass and tripping, it didn't actually happen,' you tried to convince yourself. But you just couldn't stop thinking about him, you had never seen something like that before. Even if it did happen, he's not gonna show up again . . . right? Well, even if you had believed that, it didn't matter because he was standing right in front of you at this moment.

His appearance petrified you, it was worse then you remembered. Huge, empty black pits in his head replaced his eyes, though you supposed that may be what the red orbs glowing from the center of them may be. Dark, thick blood dripped down his face and into his grinning mouth, revealing sharp teeth. And of course, he was dressed exactly like Link, everything from the little green hat to the brown boots. You didn't focus on that though, you were a little distracted by the fact that he was floating a couple inches off the ground.

"You're not nearly as amusing this time, are you? Just as scared as everyone else . . ." He stated slowly, his voice seeming to glitch in and out as before. Despite all that was happening and how terrified you were, your dumbass couldn't help but retort: "I-I'm n-n-not." You squeaked. Yikes, you didn't sound very brave. He seemed to agree, as he snickered. "Oh?" He stepped- er, uh, floated forward and pressed the bottom of his boot right up against your face. "I think-"

But he didn't finish, he paused when you pushed his foot roughly off you and glared up at him. Hell no, yes you were scared but you were not about to let some Hot Topic employee lookin' ass about to shove his foot in your face. You stood up on shaky legs and stood at his level, which was kind of funny considering he was floating. "I like you . . . I'll be in touch." He finally said after some silence. You froze up when he crept closer. You were expecting him to punch you or bite your head off or something along those lines, but instead he simply poked your nose, said "Boop!" and spun around, crawling back into your television. You stared after him in shock.

"B . . . boop . . .?"

Eyeless Jack:

Leaves crunched under your shoes as you walked. But the sound didn't comfort you, you didn't even pay attention to it. Walking fast and breathing heavily, you hurried through the forest, panic beginning to take over. You were lost, somehow you were horribly lost. You had no idea how, you had simply turned around and went back the way you came, yet you didn't recognize anything you passed. Your phone had no service and the sun was setting. What the hell were you thinking?

You finally stopped and covered your face, scrunching up your eyes with frustration. God, what the hell were you going to do? You were pissed off and scared beyond belief, but you didn't cry. With a sigh, you moved your hands and looked up at the sky. "I need to calm down . . ." You whispered to yourself, and closed your eyes. No point in panicking, you weren't far from people, this wasn't the middle of nowhere after all. You weren't going to die, there are no man eating bears out here, and you weren't going to starve or freeze. You didn't know how big the forest was but there was no way it was huge enough for you to die in it or not be found, it was next to your neighborhood in the middle of your town after all.

Deep breaths. Breathe in . . . breathe out. Everything is going to be okay. If you can't find your way at this moment, take the time to do what's important: calm yourself. You reached inside your backpack and pulled out a novel. You weren't planning to read in this kind of situation, but it was one of few things you could think of to calm down. So, you sat under a tree and began to read. It was hard to concentrate at first, but amazingly after a few minutes you became invested in the story as usual. Only the cracking of twigs brought your attention away from the book.

You looked up. It was the masked man from before, standing silently on the trail and staring at you. You leapt up; you didn't even care about his appearance at this moment or how odd it was that you ran into him again, you found someone! "Oh! Oh my god, I'm lost. Can you help me?" You cried, and he replied, "Of course." He led you through the forest, and you blushed when you realized you were not very far from the street. He offered to walk you home, and you were so grateful you accepted without a thought.


The mysterious masked man had completely disappeared from your mind. You got weird customers all day long, you didn't focus on him for much longer after it happened. In fact, you completely forgot he existed until you saw him again the next night. He ordered the same thing, large mocha, and you got to work making it. You were filling the cup with ice when you glanced up at him.

He was looking down at his phone. Before you could even think about it you glanced down . . . down . . . oh. Oh my. Oh my go- "The cup is overflowing." You almost screamed. You quickly looked away and down at the cup, to sigh at the mess you had made. With a bright red face, you remade the drink, not daring to look up. 'Oh my god Y/N you're such a creep.' When you handed him his drink, he chuckled quietly and you gulped. You didn't even notice the tip he left behind until the door closed behind him.


Glancing around nervously from side to side, you walked briskly down the sidewalk, your heart pounding at every small noise. It was the next night, you had dreaded the end of your shift because of another walk home in the dark. You would have called in sick or traded shifts but you were just too shy and kind, you didn't want to be rude or let anyone down. Curse your caring nature, if you were a little more bold and confident you wouldn't be scared at this moment.

"Hello." You gasped loudly and turned. It was the man from last night, the one with the ski mask who had helped you. You relaxed, your heart beat finally slowing. "H-hi." You said quietly, looking him over. He was taller then you and had his arms crossed. You were both silent for a moment as you stood there, you weren't sure how to ask for what you wanted. He luckily seemed to read your mind.

"You want me to walk you home?" He asked, and you quickly nodded. He lead the way to your house, he seemed to remember where you lived. You were unfortunately a little too naive to find this disturbing at all. You were just so thankful for him, you felt so calm around the man. Out of nowhere, you felt the sudden urge to grab his hand. You didn't dare, that was way too embarrassing. "Oof!" You accidentally bumped into him, you hadn't been paying attention.

"Thank you . . ." You stared at him, there were a million things you wanted to do or say to him, but instead you flushed red and quickly turned away. As you opened the front door, you could've sworn you heard him chuckle.

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