I Have Something To Say

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I have something to say...

I have wanted to say something using my platform for good about this topic. I am talking about JK Rowling and her bigotted presence online and even in between the lines of her best-sellers Harry Potter.

Before I start talking about her and criticizing her I think it is important to introduce myself to those who may not follow me and my account. This is important because what she says does affect me and my community.

Hello, I'm Flo. I am a 17 year old aspiring writer who is non-binary. I have identified as non-binary for a year, but I have felt like this since I could remember. I have ADHD and ever since I was introduced to Harry Potter I have been in love. Harry Potter brings me comfort, it makes me feel like I belong and those books have meant the world to me since I could remember. I could never live without the wizarding world.

JK Rowling is a piece of shit. To put it simply. Not only with her openly transphobic views, but in her work. You cannot ignore the bigotry that is written into her series. Examples are the "hooked-nosed goblins" which are a harmful jewish stereotype that reinforces the anti-sematic view that Jewish people are "evil" and love money. That is disgusting but the list goes on. Cho Chang, her name is TWO last names one is Chinese and the other is Korean. That is disgusting as it is culturally insensitive and racist. Cho Chang is also in the "smart house". Elves enjoying slavery is another. Remus Lupin literally is based off of Roman/Latin wolf mythology. Remus is also compared to the AID epidemic that killed thousands of gay men (including Freddie Mercury) and JK Rowling is scum because of that. AIDs was a horrible thing that was treated as a contagious disease. Princess Diana was the first member of the royal family to hold hands and comfort a gay man. Many lesbians spent time byt gay mens sides because they were alone fighting the disease. This is only the start of many things that we as fans cannot ignore when we love the work.

It doesn't stop there. Lavender Brown in the films was a black woman until she got a speaking role. Why, racism. After the release of the films, JK Rowling tried to be progressive in saying Hermione was a black woman when she was cast as a white girl in the films. If JK Rowling really cared about diversity she would have shown it. Not after, but before she received backlash for her white films.

JK Rowling cannot be ignored in relation to the series. It isn't easy to say "Daniel Raddcliffe wrote these books" instead of acknowledging what message JK Rowling wrote between the lines. Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson, Harry Potter and more WOULD NOT write such stereotypes that are harmful and can influence hate in children. I despise JK Rowling as much as the rest of you but that doesn't excuse that she is the author of my favourite series. As much as I would like to forget. She wrote these harmful stereotypes in, not Emma Watson.

New Harry Potter fans, please do not be put off by her words. We (fans) have every right to enjoy this fiction even if she hates us. Buy your books second hand if you can, support local libraries. Try and take away her platform because she isn't what children should look up too. Also, there was/is a lawsuit over her stealing the plot of Harry Potter. Read up about that! Welcome to the fandom and wizarding world. Here is a link - https://www.theguardian.com/books/2000/mar/17/news

If you support JK Rowling, get off of my story. Transphobe supporters are not welcome here because TRANS RIGHTS ARE HUMAN RIGHTS.

Thank you for listening, new updates and edits are coming soon! Comment what house you are in and who is your favourite character and what you headcanon them as.

I am a Hufflepuff and Hermione as a non-binary lesbian like me!

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