the vows

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Amanda's POV

Its the day of the wedding. I'm standing with my bride maids. The music starts and the doors open I look over to see my beautiful wife coming down the walk way. "You are beautiful" I whisper.

"You may do your vows" the guy says.

*hannha the day I met you was the day I realized you are the one for me. You are the most beautiful girl I have ever met you are perfect. I don't know what I would do with out you. Your everything to me. I want to be by your side for everything I want to make you happy. I want to wake up with you by my side. I want to kiss your soft lips I want us to be forever.  You are my forever. You are my princess. I love you so much. Its so hard to tell you what you mean to me.  You mean the universe to me" I finish saying letting tears slip out my eyes "Amanda you could do so much better then me. I was just a girl that was depressed. I used to slit my wrist. I always thought no one world ever love me. I felt like no one world ever love a broken girl with scars. Then I might you. You where as beautiful as mother nature. You looked so cute in your Minnie mouse outfit. I really wanted to call you mine. When you asked me to be your girlfriend I was so happy. You are my world. I love you I want us to be forever to baby I love you I could say it all the time and Evey day" she spokes we were both in tears " I know pronounce you wife and wife you my kiss your bride" they guy says I grabbed Hannah's face and I kissed her with all the love I had. She placed her hands on my waist. We kissed for about five minutes then pulled away and looks at everyone. The beginning of our forever is now starting.

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