Chapter 7: Giving Alms

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With the information I gathered from Lucas, I was now more careful whenever I leave the hospital.

I looked from left to right, first checking out for any extinguishers that could erase my existence, the grim reapers.

There was no one in sight wearing black or holding a black umbrella.


The surroundings were clear.

I ran to the place where the 'crime scene' took place, looking for clues of my accident.

"What are you looking for?"


I shouted and backed away a few steps.

Lucas just whispered in my ears. And hell, that was so shocking!

"Don't sneak on a girl like that! I will die of a heart attack because of you," I complained while holding my heart.

"But you already died."

"I am n—" I was about to say that I did not die yet when I stopped. I would not be in danger if I said I am not yet dead, right?

"I know your body is in a coma in the last room." Lucas seemed to hear my thoughts.

"!!!" My eyes turned wide. He knew!

"But since you are here mingling with creatures like me, it means you are dead."

"!!!!" If my eyes could go wider than it was right now, I would have probably appeared so.

Lucas smirked.

I looked at him begrudgingly.

"Is your daily mission to bully me?"

"When did I bully you?" He looked at me with a fake stunned look, but his grey eyes were more transparent in the day, making him appeared more handsome.

I looked away, it was hard to get angry at pretty boys.

Really, life was unfair.

"Since I don't have anything to do, I am willing to spare an hour of my time for you," Lucas said, as if he was giving alms.

I looked at him weirdly.

"Is there even anything you can do in this state?"

"Well, there is a lot that I could do. I can visit any place. I can stalk on people, and many more."

"What exactly is that many more?" I looked at him doubtfully. What could he do aside from going to places and stalking people? It was not like he could eat, shower, try on new clothes or anything that a living person could do.

Lucas just smirked. "I learned how to not let myself be bored."

"I see. One of them must be bullying newbies like me," I said.

He raised his brow, silently agreeing.

"Anyway, if you are that bored, your help is very welcome. I am looking for my school. Have you seen any students wearing the same uniform as mine?"

Lucas leaned closely.

I am suddenly surprised at the close distance.

"What?" I leaned back.

Lucas' grey eyes bore on my chest.

My eyes turned wide, again realizing where he was looking at.

"Hey! Pervert! Don't you know that it is bad to stare at a girl's chest?"

Lucas returned to a polite distance. His eyes looked at me up and down.

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