1 [rewritten]

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[[ TW/CW : mentions of violence, strong language, physical and mental abuse ]]

It was a typical morning at Privet Drive, Surrey. Fathers going to work with suitcases in one hand, sporting kinda similar huffs of annoyance for waking up too early yet had no choice but to do it. Mothers, sending their kids to the waiting transpo then proceeding to talk with their very alike noisy neighbours, talking about other people's businesses like it was their's. And for the silver-haired girl, tending out to the garden of her loving family, it was no extraordinary day. Same old routine, same old chores.

Said girl was an enigma to the neighbourhood. She was too quiet, too weird, for their standard of normalcy. Was she odd-looking? No, in fact, the girl was too pretty for her own good. But it was her deep emerald eyes which seem to stare right into the soul that put people off guard. Her hair was also standing out to the typical blondes and brunettes that are usually seen on the locals living in the area.

"After you finish that, go clean up the bathroom in the second floor. I saw a cockroach in there a while ago, are you not doing your job well?!" her aunt screeched at her. It was how she usually talks to her and her brother, while her whale of a husband uses a little bit of physical strength when dealing with them. It only lessened when her brother studied at his current school, frightening their guardians.

Afraid that their mistreatment towards the orphaned siblings have come to the knowledge of those people.

"Yes, Aunt Petunia. Is Harry coming back anytime soon?"

"Why are you asking questions?! Haven't I told you that no-talking while working?!"

"Sorry, Aunt Petunia..." the woman turned her nose up in disgust and went inside their home, leaving her under the sun.

Despite the constant sunbathing from tending to the garden, her skin remained sickly pale. It only just made her hair look lighter and odd.

But what can she do? Freakishness seems to be running in their blood. After all, her parents and brother are all wizards...


Hearing from her Uncle Vernon yesterday that he'll be picking up Harry later at noon, Yseiah couldn't help the excitement in her body. She happily scrubbed the dirty rugs while humming silently to herself. No amount of workload could ruin her day today, her brother's finally going to be home!

I'm finally seeing Harry again. He's been away for almost 9 months and that's the longest he's ever been away from me!

After some more cleaning, she heard the engine of her Uncle's car. That must be Harry! Yseiah hurriedly go out and went to where her brother probably is.

"Harry! Oh my god, I've missed you so much!" engulfing him in a tight hug while she's trying to choke back her tears. Looking at him, nothing's really changed. He is still lanky but his eyes seem happier.

"How are you love? Are they treating you badly here while I'm gone?" she scoffed, as if they will ever learn how to treat them like family. She just grinned and hug him again, not wanting Harry to worry. She tightens the hug, remembering that he will be back again once his term starts while she'll be left, obviously, with the Dursleys probably for the rest of her life. Though she's still hoping that he won't forget about her and will find a way to get them out of their stupid house they could barely call home.

"Enough with the catching up! Have you cooked us lunch girl?" their Aunt Petunia spat angrily

"Yes, it's in the kitchen" the three of them get inside as she helped Harry with his trunk.

His Priceless Possession [rewriting]Where stories live. Discover now