chapter 49

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"Let's spread our mat there," Bimpe said as she pointed at the other end of the field, good thing it was a carpet grass.

We all walked to the place and I dropped the baskets full of fruits, snacks and drinks on the floor while Bimpe laid the mat.

We all sat on the mat and inhaled the fresh air. It was a day before the end of the term and I'd decided we all have a picnic session to clear the tension in the air, other students had embraced the idea quickly after they heard Choki would be playing at the centre of the field.

Our exams had ended two weeks back and since then I'd organized different activities so the school would be fun. Yesterday had been a talent show and today being a day before we collect our results, we'd decided to have the last fun of the term which is the picnic date.

"Let's go to our own mat over there," Abee said as he pulled Doyin up.

"Where is that? I thought we'll all stay on this mat?" Doyin asked with raised eyebrows.

"That's true, this mat is enough for everyone of us," Bimpe added and Abee smiled.

"Kikiope termed it as a picnic date not a friendship picnic, so, I want to be alone with my baby," he replied while Bimpe and I chuckled.

"Sorry oo," Bimpe jested while he smiled before dragging Doyin away, good thing their mat was actually beside ours, so we can feed our eyes.

I turned to Bimpe, "Now tell me, you and Kunmi haven't really been fighting that much lately, what changed?"

A smile crawled up her face and I puckered my brows, "This one that you're smiling yii," I tickled her, and she slapped my hand away before Khalid and Kunmi appeared.

"Hey guys," Kunmi greeted before he plopped beside Bimpe, I wriggled my brows at her and she blew out her cheeks before Khalid sat by me.

"You guys really prepared for this date oo," Khalid uttered as his hand fumbled through the basket we'd brought.

"Khalid pass me one apple there or is there any other fruit?" Kunmi asked.

"There are a lot of fruits here, even snacks and drinks, just pick your choice," Khalid replied jocularly and Kunmi got up quickly.

He squatted beside the basket and fumbled his hand inside it, "I'll take one apple and Coke, Bimpe, what do you want?" He turned to her and I flashed Bimpe a sly smile while she eyed me.

"I'll take the same thing too," she replied and I chuckled. Just then Abee appeared too.

"Kunmi pass me the cupcakes and Fanta," he ordered and Kunmi scoffed.

"You can't bend down to pick it abi?" He snorted and I laughed.

Abee ignored him, and he picked up the stuffs before going back to their mat. Just then we heard the sound from Choki and in no time music filled the air.

"We told them to just come for a picnic date now they've turned the field to a disco party," I said to Khalid as he laid down beside me, Kunmi had already gone back to Bimpe and they were already laying down beside each other.

"What do you expect? When you called Choki you should have expected that," he replied and I pursed my lips before snatching the sausage rolls from him.

"Ahn, why did you collect it nah?" He whined and I bit on the sausage rolls while eyeing him.

"You should have told me to bring one for you," he snarled before standing up to pick another one while I chuckled, then I turned to look at Bimpe and Kunmi who were so engrossed in their talk, I smiled to myself before looking at Doyin and Abee who were also talking but Doyin rested her head on his chest.

"Hmm, all your friends are doing love love oo," I turned to Khalid immediately he laid beside me.

"Abi nah, the way Kunmi and Bimpe are even getting closer ehn."

"It's just for them to become official," I completed and we both laughed.

"And you?" He asked immediately our laughter died down.

I faced him, "What about me?"

He looked up at the sky and I felt the wave of the cool breeze.


"I'll be leaving in two days," Moye announced as she carried her plate before walking out of the kitchen.

I quickly carried my plate too and joined her on the dining table, me that I can't remember the last time I ate on the dining table but because Moye was already there, I had no other option if I wanted to listen to her.

"But, why? You got back just yesterday," I complained before picking up my fork.

She rolled her spaghetti before responding, "I only came for the Easter break."

"But still,"I pestered before eating my Spaghetti.

"We'll be starting our exams in few weeks so, you can't expect me to stay home," she replied and I pouted before my eyes dashed to the TV.

"Who is listening to the News?" I asked before she turned to look at the TV then she shrugged.

I continued my meal before I heard the newscaster read out, "Cases of missing babies in Ogun state is becoming more rampant."

I scrunched my brows before Note talked, "So, now they're kidnapping babies?"

"Yes oo, do you know AY's newborn baby was kidnapped after her naming ceremony, and she hasn't been found," I told her.

Her eyes widened as she dropped her fork, "Really? And they haven't found the baby?"

I bobbed my head, "Since last term."

She shook her head, "Ah, that's bad," then she picked up her fork to continue her food.

"But now that they're saying it's becoming rampant, maybe someone is responsible," I reasoned, and she looked at me.

"That's true but it might be one of those ritualists or something."

I shrugged, "That's true, but why are they na kidnapping newborn babies, Oga oo."

"Only God will help us in this our country."

I nodded, "Yes oo."

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I was interviewed under 'Innerview2' by TheSardonyxCommunity, you can check it out.
There won't be much updates this week because I have exams again

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