Chapter 14

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Heya guys!



Well, something very strange happened a few hours ago. Suddenly, all of my unpublished chapters became available for people to read, and I had to delete them off Wattpad to stop people from reading them. I'm sorry if I sent angry messages, asking why you could read my work, but I was really freaked out. So I'm really, really sorry. I would also like to thank all of the amazing people who gave me advice, and tried to help me. I cannot say how grateful I am! (You guys know who you are!)


To all the people who got a glimpse of Chapter 15, I beg of you not to tell anyone what happens! I don't want to ruin the story for them! Thanks :)

Dedicated to: LiveLoveLaugh39, because she is too amazing and she helped me so much, listened to my problems, and gave me amazing advice! <3


Enjoy <3


Brent P.O.V.

I drove to school the next morning, my normal, easy smirk having no place on my face. I stared straight ahead, not bothering to overtake anyone, my car growling softly in the slow line of cars, angry for being held back. But I was in no mood for games. For the first time in my life, I felt weak, outplayed, and hopeless.

How could she have done this?

One minute, I was in total control, my game play perfect, and everything in place. And the next, I was left gaping on the bench as she stormed away, leaving us all dumbfounded and speechless. Is it possible that she could have beaten us? At our own game?

And had she dared us into another one?

Challenged us?

I knew. I KNEW that nothing was more desirable than something you couldn't have. I had felt it myself when I had first met Lidia. And Liza had just made herself untouchable. She would be the most wanted girl on campus.

How would she survive against more than a hundred boys, all vying for her attention? Of course, they wouldn't want her, they would only want the prize of taking her. None of them really cared for her. They still thought of her as the human. But now she was the hot human, who was off-limits at all costs.

She hadn't realized that she was putting herself up against a bunch of mostly premature werewolves, who were the most violent and uncontrollable of their race. The moment she walked in those school doors this morning, she would be in danger.

I felt my foot push down slightly on the accelerator.

No, Brent, you can't do this. You can't go acting like you are her protector.

Could I be?

What are you talking about? You are the person who has probably caused her the MOST pain, and now you want to go protect her? Get some sense into your head!

But she will get hurt...


Why was everything with her so complicated?

To protect, or to hurt. To be or not to be. That is the question.


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