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Ding!! I took my phone from the side table beside my bed. I look at it and put it back. The flashbacks start again. As I close my eyes tears began to fall.

"Yoongi-ahhh come faster!!" Jimin said as he runs around the streets watching the kids on the playground. Looking at him like this makes his heart flutters. I love this man damn much that I could die if this man will not be on my side forever. As the matter of fact, I am planning to propose to him tomorrow on his birthday. It took me years to gain courage to do this.

I ain't as affectionate as Jimin but I know that I am serious and I loves him as much as he does.

He watches Jimin ride the seesaw and was calling him to be his partner on it. He blurts a chuckle. 'This man is an adult for fuck sake, and I am too.' But we are here riding this seesaw. When I look at him, I saw his smile went up in his eyes. He almost shed tears while laughing out loud. I want this look of him in front if me in the altar when we get married. Suddenly he stops.

"Whats wrong babe?"he pouts at me while looking to something on the other side of the road.

"I want that cotton candy pleaseee." I replied back to him.
"Go buy it you can have two." He immediately hops out in the seesaw, and he forgot I was still on it.I drop my butt so hard. He is skipping looking forward to the cotton candy stall not even looking back at me. I stand up and wait for him. As he goes back looking at me. He shouts to me.

"Yoongi-Ahhh I got it!! "smiling not minding the truck coming by.

"Jiminieeee truckkk!!!"I shouted as I run as fast as I could but all in a flash with my two eyes I saw my partner lying on the road. With so much blood on him. People started to shout and asking for help but I felt I was freeze in the moment I was so close but I couldn't save him. I push out the people beside him.

"Jiminiee wake up," I said slowly, "Jiminiee wake up babe." The ambulance came in after we got inside it. Im still trying to wake him up but he didn't respond to any of it. I cried while holding his hands.

Ding!! I lazily open my eyes again as my phone reminds to wake up from this messy dream I get every time this day comes. I look up in my phone again and read what it says. Its from the hospital. I immediate pack up my things and drive my car as fast as I could without breaking any law of course. As I arrive at the hospital. I asked the doctors what happen. They didn't answer me. I looked so confused why they are acting like this.

"Is he okay?? Why arent you answering me?". "Sir did you read the message?" They ask me. So I aggressively took out my phone and read the message.

       10:13 am
"Where are you idiot?Its my birthday!! Did you have a lovely sleep again to forget about my birthday?" seen 10:20 am

I was so shock and pissed at the same time. He gotta be kidding me. I thought he was in an emergency or something its his stupid pranks again and this is the first time he really got me. Luckily I can't get mad at him doing this i'm just thankful he came back to me. And this day i finally decided to payback him on his pranks. I walk into his room and slowly enter. "Hyung your here come here sit beside me. Arent you happy I'm back?" "Sorry jiminie." "Yoongi? Babe??Whats wrong." "It's been years jimin I'm sorry were not together anymore." I heard he sobbed. Shit I must be wrong. I think his not in a stable mind yet to be prank like this but I need to continue. "W-why hyung did you found someone while I was asleep? Arent you happy I'm back?"I didn't answer because I'm afraid I might blow up this bad."Jiminiee I'm sorry but your not my boyfriend anymore."He cried more. I bent on my knees in front of him. I'm sorry I need to do this. I pull out a ring and said "You're not my boyfriend anymore. You are going to be my husband, my partner in life and you're going to be Mr. Min Jimin. "You idiot you want me to say yes after all you did?? you hurt me!!!"And this time I knew I fucked up."Sorry babeee you wont say yes?? Are you sure?? Not with this mickey mouse ring??". "MIN YOOOOONNGIII." "Okay I know" I didn't stand up yet he looked hella confused. "Why aren't you standing up?" "Babe I'm getting older, I think I cant stand up." He sighed and help me but i showed him my gummy smile and pull him to me. We are laying on the ground. "Babe will you be sure  you would not marry me?? You will not have this man this close again if you say no."I pulled out the real ring it was a wing shaped diamond. He looks at me and lovingly I thought I would love to wake up every morning with you beside me. With the tears of joy he said "Yes I will marry you."

Remembering all those moment, they look on each others eyes and they kissed at the front of the altar after the priest declared to kiss the groom.

EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED (M.Y.G & P.J.M)Where stories live. Discover now