Xylo x Cal OLD

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I was walking Cal to the pyramid on the Egyptian side of camp I insisted walking him there because he could use someone to talk

to after all he has been through I mean he literally died and I don't want him to drink his sorrows away we enter the pyramid and sat on the sandstone couch

"um thanks for walking me here, but why did you?" Cal thanked but then asked

"well I um thought you needed someone to talk to so you don't drink until you pass out" I answered

"Cal you've been drinking excessively even after Sets defeat" I added

Cal didn't answer and looked away from me I grabbed his hand causing him to look at me tears in his eyes

"Cal don't cry" I said wiping his tears with my other hand

Cal wrapped his arms around me and cried into my chest I rubbed his back holding him

close to me I listened to Cals crys

'poor baby he's been through so much he didn't deserve' I mentally said

I rocked Cal slowly

"Cal it's going to be ok you're going to be okay" I whispered

Cals crys become softer

"shh it's going to be okay Cal he's not going to hurt you anymore I will never let anything happen to you" I whispered

Cals crys were getting softer and softer until they became just whimpers

"I...I d-don't wa-wanna die again" Cal whimpered

"you won't I promise" I said

Cal grip became tighter like he was holding onto me for dear life

"Cal you're not gonna die again I promise you won't die again,I know you're scared but I promise you won't die again I won't let you go through that pain again" I said

a few whimpers later Cal calmed down and loosened his grip but didn't let go of me

"you won't tell anyone about this right?" Cal asked

"no I won't" I answer

Cal sighed in relief and snuggled into me

my face heated up "u-uh Cal" I said

Cal pulled away visible blush on his cheeks and apologized "oh s-sorry"

"no i-it's fine" I said Cal went back to snuggling my chest

I could tell he felt safe in my arms

"hey Xylo you really are charming" Cal said complimenting me

"th-thank you" I stuttered

Cal moved onto my lap and softly pressed his lips against mine his arms still wrapped me

I kissed Cal back our lips fit together like a puzzle like this was meant to happen

I always thought Cal would have soft lips looks like I was right

to bad this kiss couldn't last forever

Cal and I pulled away for air both were panting for air

"I'm gonna take that as an I love you?" I jokingly asked

Cal playfully punched my arm and giggled

"what do you think dummy?" Cal asked

"yes" I answer

and pulled Cal into another kiss he kiss back immediately

letting our lips move in sync

this was paradise for me and him

eventually I pulled away

"Love you" I said

"Love you too" Cal replied and went back to snuggling my chest

I laid down on the couch Cal on top of me still snuggling me

soon we both fell asleep cuddling

The End

Words 555

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