48 - Charms class

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You spent the following morning constantly asking Fred what he planned to do in front of Adrian in Charms but in typical Weasley fashion Fred kept his mouth shut and refused to utter a word on the matter, you were to simply supposed to wait it out. Thankfully, keeping your head down and just working during every lesson you had may the day go by rather fast. The four of you were now walking to Charms which happened to be the second to last lesson of the day. It also happened to be the lesson where you and Fred sat alone away from George and Lee. 

The four of you were inseparable, to say the least, but Professor Flitwick grew fed up with your childish ways about halfway through your fourth year and decided to spilt you up. You and Fred were to sit on the right side of the classroom at the back of the room whereas George and Lee were made to sit at the very front and much further down the line so they couldn't even see you and Fred. 

"Come on Fred," You tried to plead with the boy one last time as the two of you made your way to the back of the room. "just tell me ..." 

"You'll find out soon enough," Fred smirked sitting down beside you on your right side, waiting for everyone else to enter the room.  

"You could just tell me and I'll act surprised either way -" 

"It wouldn't be the same," Fred took out his books and quill. "Besides, I'd rather see the look on your face when I do it." 

"Do what?" You leaned closer to the boy. "Please Fred -" 

"Good afternoon students!" You were cut off by Professor Flitwick walking into the room. "Today we will be reviewing the Gouging charm." The man walked towards the head of the classroom. "Now, can anyone tell me what the Gouging charm does? Hmm? Ah yes Mr Jordan!"

"The Gouging charm allows a Witch or Wizard to carve through earth and stone with ease." Lee answered. 

"Very good! Five points to Gryffindor ... now can anyone expand on Mr Jordan's point?" 

Sabella raised her hand and answered. "The Gouging charm will help any Wizard from budding digging for seedlings to treasure-hunting uncovering ancient wizard tombs, the Gouging Spell makes all manner of heavy labour a matter of pointing a wand." 

"Excellent! Five points to Slytherin!" He turned around and grabbed a large box. "Henry and Angelina would you hand these out for me please?" Henry who was the Ravenclaw boy you shared potions with, rolled his eyes but started handing out large rocks with Angelina to everyone in the class. 

"Now everyone, remember your wrist movement, not too soft now ..." Professor Flitwick started to go around the classroom watching each student, helping them along the way if needed. 

Charms was never difficult for you, you'd picked some things up before you'd even been enrolled at Hogwarts which helped you advance faster than most. When Flitwick was supposed to be babysitting you, Oliver would let you watch him and one time he even let you try with his wand which didn't go so well considering the two of you nearly set fire to Hogwarts that day. 

It didn't take you very long until you'd successfully cast the charm which meant you able to start working in your book. You flicked through the pages and started to work through the section on the Gouging Charm whilst Fred continued to attempt the spell. You were writing in silence when you felt the familiar feeling of Adrian staring straight at you. Thankfully, Fred had noticed what the Slytherin boy in front of you both was doing and began to play along.

"Do you enjoy staring at my girlfriend Pucey?" Fred asked, looking up from his work to meet Adrian's gaze. You froze at Fred's words, you didn't care that he'd called you his girlfriend, you just worried that Fred's challenging tone would set the two off and you really didn't fancy giving Fred another lecture about why it isn't acceptable to beat people up. 

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