Chapter 2: The Good, The Bad And the Okay I Guess

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"Move your legs! I want to see the progress this time." 

"I-I'm trying," a young voice squeaked out.

"Try harder then!"

A stern man barked at a nine-year-old Kintsugi. She was trying. Trying to be faster, stronger, smarter about her moves in the hope her air master would be pleased. 

"Tuck your legs in Ki, tuck your legs."

It had already been four hours since she had a bite to eat and Raashan had her practicing in a replica of the wind temples arena avoiding the moving walls. 

So far, she had only managed to go halfway before being promptly hit in the back, legs, arms, stomach, or any other body part you could imagine every time she would try to go through. Tired legs would not move, but she wanted to prove she could do it, even if that meant cheating. 

You could hear the whooshing of air as she lunged into the arena again and propelled herself midway through to the other side in a ball of air. She landed perfectly as the air dissipated. 

"I did it!" Kintsugi said in a smile. 

Rashaan was not.

"I don't know what you were trying to pull in there. But the Avatar shouldn't have to pull a stunt like that to win. It won't always work. You can do better. You will do better." 

She could see he was trying to hold in his anger. She didn't understand why he expected so much from her.

"B-but Master Rashan..."

"Leave," he said. And with that, he walked away from her. They all did eventually. 


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It wasn't long after the pain subsided that she realized she was still alive. 

A chill breeze and hard ground greeted her. 

"Oh, good I'm alive," she muttered sarcastically. 

Being thrown into whatever this place was didn't sit well with her or her hungry stomach as the faint fog over her mind began to clear.

The good thing was that she still had her seismic sense. Yes, she couldn't see, but she could 'see'. Colors escaped her, but she had learned over time that shapes and forms were there to be discovered right beneath her thinly covered feet. 

"Typical. Stuck on the very top of a mountain. Let them mess with the spirit world and next thing you know, they abandon you on the top of a giant rock."

She needed to find food and as she began to sense out the area, she slowly made her way down noticing the faint shape of a village 10 miles out, her stomach growling in delight.

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