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The next morning
~Leila pov~
I woke up feeling a bit energetic so I decided to go out for a run. I put on my light bray matching leggings and sports bra. I filled up a water bottle and put some headphones in. I left and started at a jogging pace slowly picking it up. After what felt like 30 minutes I sat down on a park bench for a five minute break and went on my phone. It turns out I was running for two hours already. I rembered what had happened the previous day and burst into tears and attracting strange looks from strangers😂. After a few minutes I got up and started to run again but accidentally running into a tall figure. He got up and put his hand out to help me up. I looked up and it was....

D: Leila what are you doing over hear you live like 2 hours away!?
L: I geuss I was just running and ended up hear. But I have to get going.
D: okay but be careful. See ya L
I started walking away when my legs collapsed and I'm guessing Daniel hadn't walked away yet because he came running to me.
D: okay that's it. I'm driving you home whether you like it or not
L: ok thanks Daniel
Aww he is so sweet! Wait I can't think that! But he is! Omg I think I'm falling for him 😍.
D: hey Leila you good bro?
L: yeh sorry just thinking
D: well you can tell me what you were thinking about whilst we walk to the car.
I tried to walk again. But I fell and hit my head which meant Daniel freaking out and worrying.
D: omg are you okay!?
L: I'm fine just give me a sec.
Without another word he picked me up bridal style and started walking to the car.
D: okay so what was you thinking bout?
L: just Anna I lied! I was thinking about him! I liked him! My best friends brother!!
D: she will be okay. She's a strong girl x
L: Yeh I know I just miss her
D: so do I but for now you've got me
I could feel my cheeks heat up. Was I blushing?

My best friends Brother // Daniel SeaveyWhere stories live. Discover now