Who do you think we came for?

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Peter Parker wasn't in the best mood. It was Career day at Midtown. All his classmates brought their parents. Aunt May was really busy so Pete was alone. Flash was-

"HEY PENIS! Oi you bring your parents? Oh wait, you don't have any!"

-being more idiotic that usual.

"Out of all the orphan jokes in the world you go with 'haha no parents lol'?" Peter snapped back. MJ mouthed 'nice one' from across the room.

Abe's parents were presenting when something strange happened. Almost every Avenger burst through the classroom door, making the room pretty tight. Steve had his shield slung over his back and was holding Bucky's metal hand. Tony was in full armor. Nat was wearing her combat suit, with visible weapons (how did she get in the school?). Wanda was causally chattering with her. Bruce looked normal as always, holding his favorite clipboard, the one Pete had doodled Hulk on the back. Sam and Clint were whispering together, occasionally glancing at Bucky, no doubt planning something. Thor and Loki were munching on pop tarts in between Sam and Wanda. Pepper was standing at the front of the group. She had no doubt organized the whole thing and was the only one that looked presentable.

"Sorry we were late," Steve said.

"SOMEBODY didn't tell us." Tony said and glared at Peter. He gave him and annoyed look and stuck out his tounge. Tony held his heart in mock heartbreak.

"Oh-ok uhh why don't you just go and stand in the back of the room and when whoever you came for presents, you can come up. Mrs. Brown is presenting."

Pepper and Steve (the only responsible ones) guided the others to the back.


"Ok. Thank you Mrs. Olson. Let's see, Mr. and Mrs. Quinn you're up next."

Tony raised his hand. Pepper had to bite her lip to resist the urge to slap him.

The teacher and students, other than Peter (this doesn't even make the top 500 for stupid things Tony Stark has done). "Yes Mr. Stark?"

"Now I'm no rocket scientis- wait never mind," Steve slapped his arm. "I just though you were going in alphabetical order."

"I am..." the teacher replied.

"But you skipped Peter." Wanda said.

"Oh uh. I skipped Parker because it's a bit of a sensitive day for him. You see he doesn't have parents."

Peter facepalmed. The Avengers fought the urge to smirk. It was Sam who spoke up, "Who do you think we came for?"

That gave the teacher an even more surprised look. "Oh uh. I was not aware. I mean Mr. Parker talked about his Stark Internship pretty often but none of us actually-"

"Believed him?" Natasha intrupped. The teacher slowly nodded. "Peter is terrible at lying. And that's coming from a trained spy."

"Well I guess it's your turn then."

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