It All Begins With A Smile

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I looked up to see the very girl who ran from the orphanage, the saviour of the young boy, the one with the voice of an angel glaring at me...


She had tears, glistening in her beautiful brown eyes, she looked broken.

I opened my mouth to speak but I was interrupted. I was interupted by a


I touched my cheek, It hurt, a lot, but I couldn't move.

I don't know what hurt more, the slap or the fact that it was from her.

I felt something warm run down my eyes. They were tears. I was crying...

Tyson's pov
I was staring blankly at the scene, trying to process what had just happened.

· We just put a 2-3 year kid's life
in danger, to follow a suspicious
· That very same suspicious girl
saves the life of the youngster.
· She also gets badly hurt.
· Our young Maxie just got a slap
from saviour girl.

What we did was unforgivable but Max getting hurt because of the entire gang's fault was just not right.

I growled at the girl walking towards her. I almost reached her but Max held me back.

I glanced at Max, his head was shooked. I then looked at the mysterious girl. She shot me a death glare and turned away walked towards an ambulance.

I looked down at Max giving him a hug. He didn't hug back but didn't push me off either.

Then I felt the rest of the group join in. We stayed like that for a long time.

Then Kai softly spoke,"Guys, I really don't want to ruin the moment but we have a photo shoot to get to."

"Oh yeah! I totally forgot about it!", Kenny exclaimed.

"We've got a lot on our plate, it's only natural.", Ray added as we all pulled away from the hug.

"Hey, Maxie. It's gonna be alright, promise.", I said giving Max a reassuring smile as he looked a little worried.

Max smiled sadly,"I sure hope you are right, Tyson."

I nodded at him.

We went back to the bus. I sat next to Max, being a worrywart I am.

Max was looking out the window, sitting on the window-side seat.

He then questioned me continuing to look out the window,"Hey Tyson, guys?"


"Could we go visit that girl at the hospital tomorrow?"

"What?", I said giving a suprised look.

"Excuse me?", Hilary said with same expression.

Kenny nearly choked on his fruit juice.

Kai's eyes widened as he turned to look at Max.

Ray just stared at Max blankly.

"I mean if you guys are ok with it or el-"

I cut him off,"That's not what we ment, Max. We were just surprised, that you wanted meet her even after what happened."

"Yeah Maxie! Ty's right.", Hilary hugged Max from behind as her seat was behind ours.

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