Chapter seven

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Inna's Pov :-

My heart raced as Josh got me in front of him holding me tightly as he pressed the knife to my throat , I saw Chris's eyes went wide . The cops bragged in and they held their guns aimed at us ; Well, at Josh " Put the knife down Josh ... don't be stupid " Chris hissed at Josh . As my back was against his chest I can feel it going up and down so fast even i can hear his heart beats ; he's scared . Josh pressed me tighter to his body and i can feel the tears running down my face " Put the knife down son , do you want to hurt your sister ?" One of the cops said , I can feel Josh shaking his head " I wont hurt her ... but , you're not taking her away from me " he said slowly " But Josh , You're hurting her now . Look ! she's crying " Mason said and Josh neared his face from mine as his cheek was pressed against mine " Please babe , Don't cry " he whispered as he pecked my cheek . I closed my eyes feeling ashamed  " What the fuck ?! " Chris cursed and i can feel his heart breaking because of this  . Josh backed away dragging me with him , the cops took a step forward and i gasped when he pressed the knife harder " Don't you fucking dare !" Josh shouted at them . A guy in his thirtys entered the house " What the hell are you doing here ?!" Josh asked and i can tell that he's pissed with the guy " It's okay Josh . I'm here for you . Leave your sister alone , Remember when you told me that you hate seeing her hurt . You're hurting her Josh .. If you love her , then let her go " The guy said which i guess was his doctor before " No no no doctor , she loves me too .... She doesn't want to admit it . Remember when i told you that she's shy ? Well , She's shy to say it in front of you guys but she loves me . she told me , right honey ?! Tell them that you love me . Tell them to leave  " he said moving his face nuzzeling my neck , The doctor looked at me and winked and nodded while Josh wasn't looking and i undrstood what he meant , he wants me to play along .

I took a breath " J-Josh .. babe . I love you , but please , you're hurting me " i said as he kissed my neck . I saw Chris clenching his jaw trying to control himself , I mouthed ' Sorry ' for him and he nodded slowly " See , see doctor ? I told you that she loves me . Now leave , all of you . I want my time with her without anyone bothering us and you .." he said pionting to Chris with the knife " You will never have her . You're not going to touch her , I'm the only one that allowed to touch her " I gasped at his words " Put the guns down please " the doctor said and they did so .

He looked at me then Josh and smiled " Now Josh , let her go . Put the knife down before you hurt her" he said and i can feel Josh loosing the knife from my throat , he slowly  moved it " It's okay Josh . Let her go " the doctor said . Josh grapped my wrist tightly that made me whimper " She's not going anywhere . She's mine and only mine . She belongs here with me , in my arms . I swear if anyone tries to take her i will kill her " He shouted and yanked me to him again " Calm down Josh , I wont leave you ." I lied and he turned me around a little , enough to face him . He smiled " Really ? " he asked with hope in his eyes which made me feel guilty " Yeah .. I promise i  wont leave you . But i have one condition " i said and he frowned " What's it ?"  He asked confused and i looked over the doctor then him again " Get help ... Go with your doctor and get mental help , this way we'll be together . Please Josh " I begged and he clinched his jaw " NO .  I TOLD YOU BEFORE I DONT NEED ANY HELP .. YOU WILL BE WITH ME  . THEY CAN GO FUCK THEMSELVES !!! " He shouted as he throw the knife and it landed in one of the cops heart . I gasped when he fell lifeless " Y-You're crazy !" I screamed and he reached behind his back and got a gun . My eyes went wide " JOSH . PUT THE FUCKING GUN DOWN " I looked and saw Chris aiming a gun towards us " Chris .. Oh my fucking God . Put the gun down " Mason yelled " That's for Marcuse you fucker " He said shooting Josh in his leg . I gasped and he dropped on the floor " And this for kidnapping my girl " he said as he shoot the other leg . Josh cried in pain , the gun fell out of his hand as he struggeled on the ground . I ran to Chris's arms and sobbed . The cops went and picked Josh from the ground " You little bitch ! You promised me and now you're in his arms ?! I swear i will get you and then you will wish you never did that !!" He shouted and Chris tightened his arms around me as if he's afraid that he will take me again . I started to feel dizzy and the last thing i heard " You fucking crazy !" Then i blacked out with a terrible  pain in my sides

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