Chapter Twenty-Five: Reina

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"Dana, come on!" Reina said nervously watching her mate finish brushing her hair. "We're going to be late!"

"Relax, Rei. It's just court with your moms. Nothing exciting. We can be a couple of minutes late."

Reina began pacing, "my Ma hates it when we're late." Adding in air quotes, "'An Alpha Queen is never late'."

"'A queen is never late. Others are just simply early'," Dana responded quoting one of her favorite movies.

Reina groaned, "Dana this is no time for 'Princess Diaries'."

Dana let out an offended gasp and smacked her mate, "there is always time for Julie Andrews."

Reina just rolled her eyes and finally dragged her mate to the throne room. Entering they heard the end of an answer.

"...he attacked me. I killed him."

Maria spotted and introduced them. To Reina's surprise Alex was staring back at them. Her face was blank, Reina couldn't read her emotion. Beside her Dana smiled and greeted Alex.

"Alex! What are you doing here?"

"Presenting myself for judgement by their Royal Majesties," Alex's face remained calm and stoic, but Reina could hear the sneer in her voice.

"That is enough!" Reina's uncle shouted angerly. "You will speak to the Royal Triumvirate with respect! They are your Alphas!"

Alex's face turned cold. "I have no Alpha," she stated.

"What is your pack of origin," Maria asked trying to steer the proceedings back in the right direction.

"Don't know."

"How can you not know?" Lara asked gently looking confused. A small angry frown formed on Alex's face, she stared at Reina.

"Ask your princess," Alex growled.

Tomi looked confused but Reina spoke first. "We haven't said anything, Alex."

Alex's frowned deepened. She turned to Maria. "Look I don't have a pack. I don't want a pack. I don't need a pack. Can't we just live and let live?"

Maria frowned but nodded, "Final question. Do you have a mate?"

Alex didn't look at Reina or Dana. "I thought I did."

"Alex!" Dana cried hurt. Alex didn't look at her instead just turning and walking out of the throne room. "Alex! Alex wait!" Dana shouted again chasing after her.

Alex stormed out the front door ignoring Dana's shouts. Reina managed to run up and grab Alex's arm just next to her car. Alex ripped her arm out of Reina's grasp.

"What the hell is wrong?!" Reina demanded angrily. "Why are you upset?"

"I'm such a fucking idiot. How could I not have realized," Alex muttered before turning and continuing her storming off. Past her borrowed car. Past the neatly trimmed lawn. Allowing the forest to envelope her. All the time, her mates followed her.

"Alex please stop!" Dana cried. Tears streaming down her face. Alex finally stopped. "What's wrong? What did we do?"

It looked as though Alex was about to continue on before turning on her mates.

"What did you do? What did you do? You fucking lied to me. I thought you were my mates but now..."

"Alex, we are you mates..." Reina whispered shocked.

"You're the Royal fucking Princesses!" Alex didn't yell. She never raised her voice, but each word felt like a dull knife stabbing into them.

"We never meant to hide it from you," Dana whispered. "We...I...thought you knew."

Alex ran an agitated hand through her hair, "I opened my heart to you two," she let a bitter laugh. "...and you're fucking Royals."

Reina frowned in hurt confusion, "Alex please I don't understand..."

"Of course, you don't!" Alex snapped. "You don't know what is like to be a rogue. Unwanted everywhere you turn..."

"Queen Tomi established outreach and rehabilitation programs for rogues..." Dana started.

Alex began laughing bitterly, "like any rogue is going to go to a place that has the big Royal fucking stamp on it. Please. We all know how the Royal Blood Pack really feels about us."

"Alex," Reina started again but Alex cut her off by holding up a hand.

"Don't," she said softly. "Just fucking don't. Leave me alone and no one has to know that Royal princesses sullied themselves with some filthy rogue."

With that Alex turned and left. And her mates were too hurt and confused to follow her.

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