You've Endured So Much Pain

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Katsumi leaned heavily against the wall as she made her way downstairs, her free arm hugging her ribs to try and minimize the pain. She let out a sigh of relief as she reached the bottom, and stumbled weakly into the living room where her family resided in. Her foot caught the corner of the mat, making her let out yelp of terror as she face-planted right in front of Yuki.

"Katsumi! What are you doing out of bed, you're supposed to be resting!" Her boyfriend shouted, pulling her gently into his lap. She smiled softly, and reached her hand up to softly caress his face.

"But I missed you," she remarked pleasantly despite the sharp pain that stabbed across her chest.

"Ugh, you're too stubborn." Yuki sighed, dropping his head against hers.

"Are you in any pain still?" Shigure asked, making her smile weakly over to him.

"Lots," she admitted cheerfully. The two men share a look of discontent at her perky attitude, but in all honesty she wasn't trying to act strong for them- she was just genuinely happy to be with her family.

"I'll call Hatori, you're running low on pain medication." Her elder cousin commented, shooting her a look of concern.

"Oh, don't be silly. I wouldn't want to be a bother, you two have done so much for me already..." Katsumi mumbled sadly, a look of guilt flashing in her large brown eyes.

"Nonsense, Akito didn't do anything to us." Shigure tried to reassure, but she could see past his lies. She knew that Akito flew into frenzied rage and struck the men, Katsumi knew Akito the best.

"Don't lie to me Shi-Chan, I know Akito better than anyone."  She spat spitefully, dropping her head weakly into Yuki shoulder.

"Either way my dear, what's done is done-"

"Grandpa collapsed? That's terrible! What happened? Is he going to be okay?" The three turned their heads towards the hall, surprised by Tohru's shouting.

"Oh. So then he'll recover?"

"Oh, yes. It's coming up pretty soon."

"No, it's fine! You don't need to worry about that, really. But, I would like to come visit hi-" Katsumi, and her boyfriend shared a worried look as their elder cousin got to his feet and walked over to Tohru and took the phone from her hands.

"Yes, why, hello there. Torhru's Aunty, I presume? Shigure Sohma, at your service."

"This can't be good, maybe we should go monitor him." Katsumi whispered to Yuki, who nodded in silent agreement. He swept her gently into his arms, and carried her into the hallway where the other two took hold.

"Yes. Yes, that's right."

"Uhm, Shigure?"

"Tohru," Katsumi called softly, reaching over to tug on her friends braid. "Is your Opa alright?"

"Oh, yes. He strained his back, but he should be okay." Tohru said quietly, turning around to smile sadly at her. "You're still in pain," she commented.

"That's a relief, and don't worry Tohru, I'll be okay! Nothing I can't handle." Katsumi reassured, sending her a brilliant smile.

"Goodbye, now." Shigure chirped, slamming the phone down.

"Shi-Chan!" Katsumi shouted, while Tohru shrieked.

"You can't just hang up on someone else's call!" Yuki scolded, while she nodded in agreement.

"Hmm? Everything's all set, so what's left to say?" Their elder cousin questioned, turning around with an odd look on his face. "Now, good news. Tohru, you can go visit your grandfather tomorrow."

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