What to do?

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(Y/n) POV

I spent the next 8 hours at I-hop serving Karen's and Kyle's with no taste in fashion. By the time I got off my shift I was so drained of life that I wanted nothing more then to crash on my couch. Then I remembered what I had Zack promise me and immediately was filled with energy. I drove home like a speed demon giving no heed to the speed limit. What was did that sign say the speed limit was, 35? Who cares, it's just a friendly suggestion anyway.

Zack POV

The first moments spent alone were just staring at the clock. It felt like the second she walked out the door that all the happiness that made this place so wonderful had been sucked out of the room. I then spent the next couple of hours I spent channel surfing trying to find a program worth my time, to no avail. The closest I got to a show that actually seemed good was a show called, Criminal Minds. Long story short, the hours were spent shouting at the screen of things the murders should have done, and just ended up stressing myself out. I looked at the clock, I still had about 4 hours left till she got home. I looked around the room, the house was practically spotless, however he did see some plates lying here and there. He decided to start cleaning unaware of anything else to do. He started by grabbing dishes from the rooms and hand washing them in the sink (he couldn't figure out how to work the washing machine). He then vacuumed and wiped down counters. There really wasn't anything else to do. Sighing and went back down to the couch and looked up at the clock, he only wasted one hour!? Ughh! What else was there to do. I started brain storming. I froze I guess I could think of one other thing. My eyes drifted to (Y/n) door. Well I'm sure just a little snooping wouldn't hurt. I got up and went straight toward the door.

(A/n) sorry for not posting recently, I've been caught up doing ALOT  of school work, and honestly forgot all about Wattpad. Shocking I know. Well anyway, thanks for reading this far threw the story and I promise to update sooner next time)

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