Chapter 81: The dad talk

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I stood up from the bed feeling light and jumpy.

I skipped down the stairs and went straight to the kitchen to eat something.

I heard my dad call me from the living room so I changed plans and went to the living room.

I saw dad with his suit on, probably on his way to his work.

He looked seriously calm and I felt pressure push me down the shoulders.

"Sit down"

And so I did.

"Chloe" he said, "you're almost 18"

I nodded.

"And you're going to have to start to learn how to run the company"

"Your point dad?" I laughed lightly, trying to ease this weight around me.

"I want you to know that I always support you but you have to be sure about your choices in life"

I stayed quiet.

"Are you moving out once you're legal?" He said, his eyes glossy, "do you want to go to college?"

"Dad..." I said and hugged him. "I'm still here, I'm not sure what I'll choose but I'm still here."

He pulled away, "are you sure about Elizabeth?"

"Why did you tell he-"


"Yes" I said, "she's still... You know...but I really like her dad"

He nodded and sighed, "just tell me of she hurts you okay"

"Ew why would I tell you" I laughed.

"I'm your dad!" He said, "I'm supposed to know"

"Okay" I nodded. "Dad can I ask something?"

"What is it?"

"I thought about it once. How you and mom got together, I know you were the newspaper boy but that's it"

I saw him smile brightly, as if he was waiting for this moment.

"A newspaper boy and a total popular queen at school getting together" he said, "Alexis and I were still together that time. We were happy but I knew something was wrong. She was sort of distant but still touchy in a way"

"Who's Alexis?" I tilted my head.

"Remember that woman with Elise? Elizabeth's mom."

My jaw dropped quicker than the hot tea he just spilled.


"Shush honey I'm excited to tell you-"

I chuckled and nodded.

I swear dad's like a preppy cheer girl.

"The four of us were just normal students in our high school, but not your mom"

His eyes have this certain light in them, like he was reliving every moment he was telling me, "she was this nice popular girl that everyone loves. Wealthy, beautiful, smart... She had it all"

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