Chapter 16: Family Fun

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"I'm back!" Korra yelled. She could hear some giggling in the nearby lounge, as she walked in she found Keta and Thina wrapped up in an intense round of Pai Sho as Hilo and Mika were playing a fast game of cards in the corner.

"Well it seems that I missed out on some family bonding." "Oh hey Korra. We didn't hear you come home." Thina said.

"Are you guys hungry? We can go get a late lunch if you guys haven't eaten already." Hilo spoke up "Nope. We've been waiting on you to get back." Almost simultaneously everyone's stomach started to grumble. "Well I guess we should get going then." Korra said.

She had one of the drivers take the family to Narooks and told him to go back to the estate as she could just call a taxi to take them home later.

Korra came in and asked Narrok if they could take a booth. He happily let her take one in the far back of the restaurant. Not many people were there since it was after the normal lunch rush and most people had gone back to work. Korra and Mika slipped in first so they were in the center of everyone. The boys sat on Korra's right and Thina sat on Mikas left.

"This place is the first restaurant I ever went to in Republic City" Korra said. She continued to tell them the story of how Bolin got her to explore the city with him and how she was completely and utterly blind to the fact that the young boy and a small crush on her. Of course as time went on those feelings faded.

"Wow, so you've dated everyone on your little team huh?"!Hilo said. Keta pitched in and said "Yah, even though you didn't really know you were on a date with Bolin it kinda counts, then you wound up dating his brother Mako and now you're with Asami." "Huh" Korra said "I guess I never realized that."

They continued to catch up on what life had been like apart from one another. Korra mostly listened. She just wanted to soak up all the information she could. She wanted it to be like they had always been together.

The food finally arrived and everyone immediately dug in. "Wow this food really does remind me of home." Thina said. Mika then said "I almost forgot how much I love watertribe grout. I mean there are a few good places in the fire nation but nothing truly authentic."

"That's the nice thing about Republic City." Korra said "People come from all over the world and gather here, so we get an authentic piece of everything."

Even after the bunch had finished eating all of their food they continued to talk. Korra suggested they take a cab back to the estate and talk in the garden some more.

They were out there for hours. After watching the sunset everyone decided it would be good to head back inside. Mika pulled Korra and Thina away and told the boys they needed some girl time. After all there are just some things that are easier to talk about with your sisters than with your brothers. Of course the boys were fine with this. They went up to their rooms and worked a little more on a project both of them had been planning to show to Asami.

The girls were seated on a comfy sofa on the lower level. It was a smaller room than the rest of the house but it just felt right, like home.

"So Korra you haven't been talking much today, we've all been sharing about our lives but what about you?" Mika said. "Well I figured you guys would already know enough. Articles are always being written about the Avatar's great triumphs and failures'". Thina pitched in "Well of course we know what the news says but come on, there not always accurate. It's one side of the story. Besides there's not much on your personal life to dig into. It's not like you host interviews where you just talk about how things with you and Asami the way how's that going."

"Things with me and Asami are fine. They could be better but we're okay." Her sisters just kind of gave her a weird and confused look. "What do you mean Korra? What's going on?" Mika said. "It's nothing much. Asami's just been working a lot lately. I don't even think she's realized how much my hours at the police station went down. I was doing it for her because I know she doesn't like how much I risk my life. Of course the big things will need an Avatar but busting triads Beifong can handle." She sighed before continuing "Its alright though. I understand how important Future Industries is to her. The work she's doing there is really changing and helping people." She started to smile thinking about how proud she was of her girlfriend. "Even though I miss her I know what she's doing is important. Besides she shouldn't be working so many hours after her launch next weekend."

"Korra have you talked to her about this?" Said Thina. "Oh no. No, no, no, no, no. I can't ask her to stop doing this. She loves it. It makes her so happy." "Yah but I mean she should at least know how you're feeling. She can make the decision from then on out about what to do with her time management." "Thina's right Korra. You deserve to be happy too. Tell her how you feel at least. You don't have to ask her to stop doing anything but let her know."

"Gahh I already got Lin on my back about this and now you guys!" She threw her arms up sarcastically. Everyone just started to giggle.

"Well she's a wise woman. Now come on let's go get dinner ready." Mika patted Thina's leg and they all got up and walked out of the room to prepare a tasty dinner.

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