Chapter 27: A Promise

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I stare into Matteo's almost black eyes, and hidden within them is anger, so much anger, but also... Curiosity? While his eyes show one emotion, his lips curl into another, and I struggle to decipher just what exactly he's feeling.

I open my mouth to retort something but am quickly stopped by the ring of a phone. I slowly close my mouth as my gaze averts to the source in Matteo's pocket. Ever so slowly, not leaving my eyes, he pulls it from his suit and answers the call.

"Hello?" Matteo says, still not leaving my eyes.

I bite my lip and am the first to break eye contact. I can hear the frantic voice of a man on the other end of the phone, but his words are all a blur. I look back at Matteo whose concentration is now fixed on the table.

Whatever the man on the other end of the phone is saying, it looks like it could be serious. "No, I'm busy, I have shit that needs to get done. Dagli i soldi e una volta che avremo le nostre pistole, sparagli a tutti. C'è una ragione per cui ti ho dato meno di quello che chiedevano." (Give them the money and once we have our guns, shoot them all. There is a reason I gave you less than what they asked for.)

I flinch at his words. I know what this man is capable of first hand, and i know what the world is like, but still when i hear someone order another to kill, i can't help but want to retreat far away.

My mother always said that the life I was born into isn't what I have to become. She made sure that i grew up normally, and learnt morals, the difference between right and wrong, so that one day i would not have to live a life where death is an everyday occurrence.

But here I am. It's inevitable.

My heart aches at the thought of Mum. I miss her, I didn't call her enough when i moved to New York. I was too busy caught up in college and partying. Hell, I even spoke to Dad more than the person who actually raised me!

I'm such a terrible daughter.

"Cazzo, ho una chiamata in arrivo. Fallo e fai trasportare le armi al molo. Assicurati che non accada loro nulla. Ricontrolla l'importo, se qualcosa va storto fammelo sapere, non partiremo per il Giappone per qualche giorno, quindi se qualcosa va storto, c'è ancora tempo. Ma non pensare che non ucciderò la tua famiglia se succede qualcosa."

(Fuck, I have an incoming call. Do it and have the weapons transported to the dock. Make sure nothing happens to them. Double check the amount, if something goes wrong just let me know, we won't be leaving for Japan for a few days, so if something goes wrong, there is still time. But don't think that I won't kill your family if something happens.)

Japan? He's going to Japan in a few days?

My lips quirk into a smile which I hide quickly from Matteo as he glances up at me. This is perfect! I'll be able to escape so much easier when he's gone, and within a few days i'm sure i'll be back to normal, if not only a bit better.

I could scream with excitement! I can only imagine everything I'm going to do when I'm free from this hot psychopath. Finally I would be able to wipe that smug smirk from his face as he finds out he's going to jail for the rest of his life. That is of course my father even lets him live.

I try to listen again to Matteo's conversation again, but now it seems as though he's talking to someone else completely. His tone of voice is softer, though he still speaks as though he could kill you at any moment.

"Just book dinner for tomorrow night."

It's like he wants me to know where he is at all times, like he wants me to escape. What if he's just teasing me, and wants to see if I'll run?

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