Part VI

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The two of us fell silent after San's confession. My mind began to zone out until I saw a flash.

"What are you doing?" I asked San who held up his phone in front of my face.

"I just thought you looked nice today, so I wanted to take a picture. I'm not used to seeing you without a uniform on."

"You can see me without anything on if you'd like," I said while taking the last bite out of my food.

"Stop saying embarrassing things like that." He bowed his head down, too afraid to make eye contact with me. I smiled at how cute he looked.

"Before I forget, would you mind telling me why your cousin hates me so much? Actually a better question would be why she's even here in the first place if you live alone."

"She lives a few hours away and since we both planned on visiting our grandparents for spring break, we decided we should just head down there together." He hadn't yet raised his head to look back at me.

"Okay, so what did you tell her about me?"

"I don't want to say it."

"That bad?"

San nodded.

"I'm guessing you just repeated the rumors you've heard."

San nodded again.

"Look at me," I spoke sternly. He looked up into my eyes.

"You're going to have to do better than that if you want to actually hurt my feelings," I said with a smile on my face.

"I was just angry that day when you kicked me out. And even worse, you ignored me for days without telling me why. But, I didn't mean for it to go that far."

"But, it did. And that's okay. Just add her on to the list of people who think they know me." I pushed my chair out to get up. "That includes you, San." As I tried to walk away, San grabbed my wrist.

"Come with me to see my grandparents."

"Are you stupid? We're supposed to be arguing right now."

"You hurt me so I hurt you back. We're even then, right?"

"You didn't hurt me. Not even in the slightest."

"Then, why are you so mad?"

I paused for a moment before answering.

"I'm not mad."

"So, why are you leaving so abruptly?"

"I got bored of you again."

"You're lying."

I sighed at his stubbornness.

"Look, I kicked you out for a reason. And it's the same reason as to why I shouldn't have stayed with you today." I tried yanking my arm away but he held on tighter.

"So, tell me the reason."

"Have sex with me tonight," I said, thinking that it would shock him. I assumed it would be enough to make him let go but, he just stared down at me.


We were sitting on the bus now, heading back to my place. He couldn't stop playing with his thumbs out of nervousness. I quickly shoved my phone into his hands, irritated by his fidgeting.

"What's this for?"

"Put in your number. I forgot to ask for it."


first. | Ateez SanOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant