Chapter 30

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C-Cyrus...ran after someone else.

The Alpha bit his lip, drawing blood down to his chin as the very ends of his fingernails were inching longer to form claws making them hurt, he let out a pained growl. Veins blooming to choke his thick neck and throbbing temple underneath Al's golden wavy strands.

Yet Al didn't care.

Bloody fucking hell! how much of that did Cyrus overheard!? Why is he going after Jessie? He should be going to ME! I'm his mate! Can't Cyrus feel it!? how stressed, frustrated, and worn-out I am!?

His growls were growing louder and Al's amber irises going corrupted, the thirst for blood-lust whispering for Al. This was unacceptable, the thought of his mate running away with somebody else. And that Cyrus...was in fact never going to return The Alpha's romantic feelings, that he didn't give a single damn about him. That Cyrus isn't his.

Does he not care about me at all!? Shit...

Al then remembered the memory of Cyrus's first shown expression towards Grim.

Pitch black orbs that sucked in light.

His young face looking worried.

And his voice, ever dreamy.


He looked so concerned about them then, disregarding his own safety and for the first time. Cyrus gave way to reveal a fragment of himself to them.

Al took in a weighted inhale of breath and exhaled out, he recalled this is what Cyrus does to calm down in his classes and to think. After his whole strained muscles proceeded relax itself.


The Alpha brought both his fists onto the mahogany long table producing this earth shaking crescendo, it frightened some nearby werewolves and people, though that wasn't Al's main concern.

He needed to remain just unaffected in terms towards his mate, so word won't go around that Al fancied the quiet boy.

He still can't get over that Grim bit thier mate. It's wiser to really stay afar and pretend Cyrus doesn't mean anything to him, for both their safety; Al has to.

{Rainier...order a new long table for the officer's meeting room. Make it black.}

{Okay sure, the last one was unflattering need anything else Alpha?} Al frowned, his gleaming ambers shifting into golden.

{Cancel all the rest of my appointed meetings for today...and have the red room filled with Rouges; uncollared.}

(Usually, Rouges are "Collared" with silver collars so they won't shift, but "Uncollared" Rouges are able to shift into wolf form :D)

Rainier's expression became concerned.

{You alright Al? I don't think that's---}

He interjected. {Beta, did I stammer?}

Rainier slipped a hand through his mismatched hair. {No Alpha, I'll have everything ready within half an hour.}



Emmett stomped through the hallway and after reaching his dorm door he slams it shut, his roommate wasn't here so it's alright to throw a fit. The boy's body can still feel the lingering sensation of that infuriating sneaky bastards fingers, beginning from his right knee going to Emmett's inner thighs; Chase feeling him up.

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