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Well... that was the end of this story.

I had to finish the story and I thought it would be a good time to end it. If I would go on with writing this story, I wouldn't be that happy anymore because I would have write much more chapters and thus is my first story and don't want to rush things.
I'm happy that I ended this story now and I know I could have written the last chapter better.

Lil bit about why (about me)

The big but is that I just don't have much time right now. I had some problems with my school but it should be from monday on better. And I have to re-do one month school work and that pretty much.


I'm going to write a new story.

Yess, I already started it but I will first write the story and then publish it. I don't want to rush things with it and yes, hopefully we see us there again.

 I don't want to rush things with it and yes, hopefully we see us there again

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It's going to be an Oikawa x reader and that's the cover. I won't write 40 chapter like in this story but it womt be like 4 chapters...

Thank you...

I want to thank everyone. Everysingle one of you who clicked on this story, who voted, who comment it and who just read it. That is my first fan fiction and first story I've ever published. I have to be honest, I got really anxious that no one will like this story but it ended up having over 5 thousand views and over 1 thousand votes... geez. 
I want to thank everyone who helped me in the comments with my BAD grammar and I want to thank sooo many people who lifted my mood who and wrote good comments about the story like:

  I want to thank everyone who helped me in the comments with my BAD grammar and I want to thank sooo many people who lifted my mood who and wrote good comments about the story like:

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Just a little example.
I love to read your comments and to reply to them

A special thanks to my little beans

the_hoekage  who was so kind and helped me... in my opinion a lot... loaf ya 💚

Dark_Wolf13 who was kinda since the start there and offered me help and helped me pretty much. Luvv yuuu 💙

Melonsalatkind my bean. I luvv yaa suu muchhh. Thanks to her I started to write this story and she helped me a lot tooo 💜 I luv ya so much

One last time ma fellows

Have a good day or night ☀️🌙
Stay fresh and healthy 🍀
Your Lidya /author-chan 🌻

You have me under control | 🌻 Kageyama x reader 🌻Where stories live. Discover now