meeting naru and sasu

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Sakura's Pov

I walked towards the twobnew members "why hello you must be sakura."naru said walking up to me "um what village did you guys come from?"I asked narrowing my eyes at him.

Naru's Pov

When I saw sakura walk up to me I smiled but that's when she told me what village we were born at "um I have to go speak to sasu real quick."I said running over to sasu I grabbed him "what are we going to do."I said looking at him he sighed "I don't really know you decided the plan so here we are."sasu said looking at me "well don't you want to get sakura."I said looking at him he sighed "yes I do."he said looking at me I smiled and nodded my head.

Lady tsunade's Pov

I sighed and looked out the window its been really hard ever since sakura left I home naruto and sasuke can get her back because we need her I sighed and watched over towards the woods "please get her back guys be cause it is almost time for the war."I thought watching the birds go past.

Sakura's Pov

As I sat at the table in the kitchen watching naru and sasu I turned my head and saw rider walking over to me "hey sakura."rider said sitting next to me "hey rider can I talk to you."I said looking at her "um sure."she said smiling I grabbed her hand and brought her to my room.

When I got to my room I closed the door and locked it "are you ok sakura."rider asked looking at me I sighed "those two new members are killing me."I said walking up to her "what do you mean?"she asked looking up at me "what I mean is those two members look so familiar."I said "so."she said I sighed "what I mean is naru sounds like naruto and sasu sounds like sasuke."I said "but what if they aren't naruto or sasuke."she asked looking at me I sighed and sat down on my bed "ya maybe your right."I said taking a deep breath.

After a while it was dinner time I didn't feel like eating so I just went to bed but maybe rider was right about naru and sasu but why did they come here to join the akatsuki when the war is about to start. Hello people there you have it lady tsunada gave it away the two new characters are naruto and sasuke and they are going to try and get her back before the war starts and just to let you know I have about three more chapters then I am going to make the second book so ya please comment and vote and rider is olivauchiha's person so yeah thank you and bye.

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