bonus: heavenly moment

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hiiii, as you know i'm absolutely in love with Luna and Ricky so i can't completely give them up. so i decided that i might be writing bonus chapters! this bonus chapter will describe the few minutes when Luna died and what she saw / where she went! i have to warn you that it does depict the after life in terms of Heaven. i'm sorry if you don't believe in Heaven or your beliefs are different about the after life! i'm not saying that what i believe is right, but we all have our own beliefs and i respect that! this is a really bad bonus chapter, but i'm too lazy to rewrite it— so i'm sorry if it sucks lol.

LUNA CRAWFORD FELT LIKE she had just woken up from a nap. Sitting up to stretch, only to realize she was no longer in the hospital. She was no longer attached to any machines and their incessant beeping had ceased. Her hospital gown was now replaced with a white, silky dress.

She took in her surroundings. It was a lot of white and soft grays. Beautiful paintings lined the walls. Marble floors and bright lights. It looked like she was in a palace amongst the clouds. There's only one place she thought this could be, but she wasn't sure that she wanted to admit out loud where she was in fear that she was wrong.

Curiosity got the best of her so she started walking around the hallways trying to find someone or something. A few doors led to rooms that she thought may belong to other people. There were also doors that led to a grand library and huge ball room. Luna exited the palace in the clouds and found a bunch of people walking around outside of the palace. A few people extended greetings and welcomes to her, which she smiled in reply to, although she hadn't gotten the clarity on where she truly was yet.

The garden was different than the interior of the palace. Not only were there more people, but also an abundance of colors were strewn throughout the garden on the flowers, plants, and outdoor decor. It was almost blinding how bright and colorful things were.

As she walked along the garden in the clouds, she approached a small water fountain in the center. It was a surreal feeling when she noticed that one of the people near the fountain looked startlingly familiar. The person was planting a rose bush into the ground.

"Dad?" She asked in disbelief, stepping closer to the man. Steven Crawford turned around so quickly at the sound of his daughter's voice.

"Lu, is that you?" He replied back. "Oh my gosh, Luna! My beautiful daughter." He rushed forward and wrapped his arms around his daughter as a way to determine that this was in fact real.

"I missed you," she cried with a sad smile as she hugged her dad back. "I-Is this Heaven?"

He pulled away from his daughter, giving her a reassuring smile. "Yes it is. Isn't it beautiful here?" He asked, motioning to the nature around them. She nodded in amazement, taking another look around. Her dad led them to sit on the ledge of the fountain next to them.

"So," he sighed. "If you're here that means that your time ran out, correct?" He asked solemnly.

Luna bit her lip and nodded. "Yeah." She added, "I finally told Ricky and my other friends what was happening. I got to say goodbye to most of them before I slipped away."

"You got to say goodbye to Ricky, right?" Steven asked in a hopeful tone.

She frowned. "Well, not exactly. The last thing he said to me was that he would see me later. The last thing I remember was being with Big Red. We were platonically cuddling and watching Monsters Inc. in my hospital room," she smiled a little at the thought of her with the boy.

Steven nodded, feeling bad his daughter didn't get to truly say goodbye to her boyfriend. "It's alright, Lu. You'll see Ricky, Big Red, and everyone else again. I promise."

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