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"JASMINE get your butt down here we're gonna be late" yells May. "I'll be down in a minute" I reply. I finish my make-up and run out the door, when I get to the car May gives me a look as if to say finally, she puts the car into gear and drives off.
When we arrive at school me May and I say goodbye and we separate heading towards our normal groups. As usual they are hanging around my locker waiting for me. Sasha leaning against the wall playing on her phone waiting for me. As soon as she sees me her face lights up and she runs over to give me a big bear hug which was a little to tight. We chat about what happened on the holidays and of course we talked about the new cute guys.

The bell rings so me and Sasha head to class we got separated again I was disappointed, at least I might have Amanda from last year. I open the door to the room and my eyes widen immediately. I couldn't believe my eyes he was absolutely gorgeous with his golden brown tan skin and his dark brown hair. His eyes were worth dreaming about, then I hear a voice "excuse me". I snap out of daydream mode, "are you talking to me" I reply nervously. "umm yeah I was wondering your name" he says blushing. Omg I can't believe he is talking to me, "m-my name is Jasmine". "Well listen Jasmine my names Danny I was-" and at that moment Mr Jefferson walks in. "Everybody sit in your allocated desks your names are on the top left corner of the desks". Thanks to my luck I was on the other side of the room to Danny. Just thinking of his eyes made me feel weak in the knees, imagine if he liked me or if we dated. The bell rang snapping me out of daydream mode, as I leave the classroom and head to my next class.

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