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SHIP: Jeongin X 3RACHA

PLOT: 3RACHA is too focused on preparing for their comeback to notice the youngest is hurting.

TRIGGER: Self-harming (not cutting, but sinking the nails in hands), cursing


Jeongin was super stressed with all the preparations for their upcoming comeback, all he wanted to do was hang out with his boyfriends, but of course, they were busy creating all the new songs for the album, so he could only rely on his best friend for comfort.

"Innie, maybe you should take a break?" Seungmin said while handing the youngest a bottle of water.

"No thanks Hyung, I have to keep practicing."

Jeongin had been practicing the new choreography for at least three hours but he still couldn't seem to get it perfect.

"C'mon Innie... You need to rest! You're gonna get dizzy or pass out if you keep working so hard." Said Seungmin, slightly tugging on the younger's hoodie.

"I SAID NO HYUNG! LEAVE ME ALONE!" Jeongin screamed at the older.

Seungmin was taken back for a moment, but he was best friends with the Maknae, and he knew that Jeongin would never act out like that unless he was upset about something. He looked at I.N with sweet eyes. He opened his arms and let the youngest lean in for a hug. Jeongin sobbed on his best friend's shoulder.

"Do you want to talk about it, Innie?

The youngest sighed before telling his bestie about his awful day.


"Innie, I don't mean to be rude or anything but what the h*ll is wrong with you today?"

The youngest froze by the words that came out of the leader's mouth.

"What do you mean, Channie?"

"He means that we have been trying to record your part for about an hour and you still can't get it right," Jisung intervened in the conversation.

"Oh, uhm... I can try again if you want me to..." Said I.N while looking down, so the three older boys wouldn't notice his teary eyes. 

"Well, maybe-" the oldest started.

"No, leave it ,Hyung, it's clear that our maknae is not in the mood to record today," his tone of voice ironic as he looked at Jeongin. "You can live now I.N, we will continue tomorrow."

The youngest left the studio with teary eyes, but the three older boys were too focused on their work to notice how upset and hurt the youngest was.


"They said what?!" Seungmin's blood was boiling, he hated to see his best friend so upset, "Innie... did anything else happen?"

"Well uh..."

"Tell me, please."


Jeongin was having a dance practice with Felix, for some reason Jeongin couldn't get it right, partly because of what had happened earlier in the recording studio. He kept messing up the dance moves and the timing of the song, but Felix was really patient, he knew from past experiences that yelling or putting pressure on the youngest would only make him brake down or even something worse. So Felix worked at Jeongin's speed and they had a good time until Innie started getting stressed out because of not being able to get the dance right.

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