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Trinity's POV

       Ever since I woke up, I haven't seen Damon. And honestly, I think it's good. I can't handle seeing his face, he reminds me so much of Marco. I just want to forget he ever existed..... Now, to the bad news.. I'm going back to New York City.. alone......yeah you heard that right.

         Lillian decided to stay here with Leo, yeah you do crazy things for love, but, hopefully he doesn't hurt her, I would kill him . I guess it's also good she staying here with Leo, I need some alone time. Like,I have been through alot and I never once gave up, but just few words from 'Demon' and I attempted suicide..... Well I guess I'll see what tomorrow has to offer, argh I kinda feel lonely..... do I miss Damon??,no way ..........right???
And I slept with that question in mind..'do I miss Damon???

I woke up the next day, I took a rush shower. With my suitcasein hand, I made my way downstairs, I saw Lily making breakfast in Leo's
Noo, I'm not surprised she's in Leo's shirt but Lily but I think someone should call the fire department.
"Look who's becoming wife material" what I'm leaving let me have my fun.
"Haha!! very funny Tee, so funny my brain cells stopped working"sarcastic much........
"They never worked before"and that's a comeback!!
"Burn!!!" Leo shouted making his presence known
"Leo you are suppose to be on my team"awwn is Lily sad....
"Cariño, she's leaving today. Let her have her moment"what the ........
"Leo!!!" I screamed, Lily was laughing seriously, ha really funny!!!
    I ignored them throughout breakfast,we were on our way to the airport. Lily tried talking to me but nope. oh no I'm not angry at her for what Leo said,noo!!! She ate my Coco pops, no one does that.
"Ok fine Tee, I promise to buy you what ever you want just forgive Lily"Leo begged.... opportunity comes but ones right??? Let me see ......
"I want the latest bag, shoe, phone and car along side a house"gotta use mine wisely.....

*Hey guys, I want to say thank you to my readers, I love you guys so much😍😍 but 😑😑, please vote thanks 😘😘

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