Camping Plans and Kissing in the Corridors

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Harry PoV

I was sitting on a rock next to the beach just thinking, since it was my free period and not Draco's. I was still stunned about this morning, but the main part that I was stunned about was how fast time had flown by. It was coming on a month that we had been dating and I had nothing special planned. Maybe another picnic? No I'll save that for the one year anniversary. How about a trip to Hogsmeade? That's how I asked him in the first place. Maybe something more fun like a movie night or something? That sounds so much more fun. We can hold it on the astronomy tower? Or maybe I can plan a campout (with Headmistress Mcgonagall's permission of course) and then sneak away with him? That sounds perfect. 

It can be the night before our anniversary and then we can spend a full day together! It'll be so much fun! And we can roast marshmallows and play truth or dare, kiss or swear! (If you guys haven't read any of those fanfics you should go read them after this chapter its SOOO good)

Pansy, Hermione, Blaise and Ron, can come too! I'll send an invite to them but they gotta keep it secret. It should be a surprise! Blaise and Ron are both terrible secret keepers so I'll tell them the night of. That's it. That's what I'll do! Awesome. 

I texted Hermione and Pansy about my plans (they were thrilled) and headed off to Headmistress McGonagle's office. I asked the Gargoyle if I could speak to her and they let me up. "Ah Potter what is the reason I am graced by your presence this fine evening?" "I was just wondering, Professor, if I could be granted permission to hold a campout on Friday?" 

"You gave me not a lot of time to prepare for this Potter. That's tomorrow!" "I know professor but there won't be a lot of people so I was just wondering if I could?" "Yes Potter, but keep it small - and appropriate." "Of course Professor."

I ran out of her office, excited for tomorrow night. I went straight to the Owlery (Merlin knows why we still have it if we can text but look at me using it so I guess I should shut up) and began to write a letter to both Blaise and Ron.  It was just a request to keep their schedules open for tomorrow evening and Saturday morning. 

After I was finished, I ran to the secret entrance to Hogsmeade, pulled on my invisibility cloak, and went to the sweet shop. I bought I fistful of candy from each container, a bunch of marshmallows and other ingredients for s'mores, and also a fistful of candy for me, Ron, and 'Mione each, and put my payment in the tip jar. You didn't expect me to steal it, did you?

Once I got back to my dorm I started packing. I grabbed a shirt, some pants, a sweater, a few blankets, and a few tents. (I stole the tents from Seamus. I have no idea why he had them in the first place but I'll give it back later. There was also a note from Hermione about how Ron and I should be sleeping in our own beds and not our boyfriends and how sneaking out is against the rules. I rolled my eyes and burned the parchment. She was probably doing the same with Pansy.

After that I packed Dray's clothes and a few blankets. I also stole a sweater of his and put it on. 

Finally, it was the end of the day and I met Draco outside his classroom. 

"That sweater looks adorable on you." "I know right!" I said, grabbing his hand and swinging it dramatically as we walked down the corridor. Everyone around us looked as if we were a cute puppy dog. Some students even "Aww"ed at the sight. 

"Should we kiss just to make them happy?" He whispered. "If it makes you happy." We gave each other a soft peck on the lips and the corridor went crazy. "I have no idea why this school ships us so much." "Neither do I."

As we made our way to the Great Hall for dinner, we found Ginny stalking the entrance. 

"Move." I growled at her. I hadn't seen her since what she did to Draco. "Why should I." She growled back. "Because if you don't you're going to get a fist to the nose." "Harry no!" Draco said. "Just ignore her." He squeezed my hand. "Please?" I looked at him. He was right I really shouldn't. It was tempting, but I shouldn't. I started to walk away. "You've gone soft Potter!" I heard her yell behind me. It took me everything I had to not turn around and punch her right there. 

"So, what do you want to do on Saturday?" "What's on Saturday?" He looked hurt. "Nevermind maybe I got the date wrong." "Oh you mean THIS Saturday. I have plans. with you of course I mean, but I can't tell you. " He was visibly relieved. I grinned. "Don't worry I'd never forget something like that." I said as I pecked his cheek. Hermione and Ron groaned. "Why don't you sit elsewhere if you don't want to watch us love each other?" I asked, stuffing my face with food.

Hermione rolled her eyes. "I think I'll turn in early." She said, her eyes glancing at Pansy who had just gotten up to leave. "You do that." Draco said with a wink. "So, Ron. How was last night?" He asked. "Oh l-last night." He said his face turning red as his hair. "Last night was fine. we watched a movie on his phone, that's all. I swear." I chuckled. "What?" He asked. "Oh nothing. Nothing at all." 

"Sure. Ok guys I'm gonna, uh, turn in early so you guys have fun." "Ok sure. You too." I said with a wink. He rolled his eyes. 

"You ready to go?" Draco asked me. "Sure." I said. "Let me finish my food first." I finished my food and then went to the Slytherin common room to get some sleep. 

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