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Chapter 4

Wednesday, September 9th, 4:30pm

I would never admit it to anyone, but I had initially been convinced that my house was, in fact, haunted by an angry spirit.
I'd ruled out the possibility of any demonic activity or possession because whatever lived in there wasn't quite sinister.
It was just...creepy.
And creepy usually means ghosts or at least some type of spirit activity.
I mean, it only makes sense to assume so, especially after all the research I'd done on spirits and the supernatural.
Everything pointed to a ghost, but now I realise it could very well be something far more realistic, but equally as terrifying.

I have a hobo stalker that was sneaking into my house when I wasn't around.

I mean, who else would write such a creepy note? I was still very shaken up about the whole situation, even going so far as to let Mr Bang about it. He'd assured me that the security company and himself would be on high alert incase of any intruders

I'd even told Jin and Jimin, so have been kindly checking up on me.

What I hadn't done is called the police. I decided to just let it go for now until I was completely sure. For the sake of the plot and my own inability to value my life.

I know, I'm a stupid bitch.

A few days had gone by and I hadn't had any weird experiences again. But I had a feeling it was because Mr Hobo stalker man knew I was on to him, so he was keeping a low profile.

That, or he was going to try and attack me in my sleep.

I had just got day from a long, tiring day of work and just about ready to collapse from exhaustion.

I take the elevator to the floor of my apartment. Walking out into the hallway, I see Jimin standing outside his door. His face resembles that of kicked puppy.

"Hi, Jimin. What's up?"

Jimin directs his puppy dog eyes at me and pouts cutely.

"Jin hyung won't let me in because I wouldn't do the dishes," he mumbles and folds his arms across his muscular chest.

"Really?" I laugh incredulously at their antics.

"Yeah he's a total dick," he rolls his eyes

"You shut your world hole, you dwarf!" I can hear Jin's voice coming from behind their apartment door.

I swear, if Jimin wasn't such a perv towards me, I would have sworn that the two of them were married.

I shake my head at Jimin "Well, good luck with that," and begin to unlock my door.

Suddenly, Jimin perks up slightly. "Say, I could come over to your place if you like. I'm sure we could find something fun to do together," he wiggles his eyesbrows at me. I regard him with disgust and amusement.

"I'm not having sex with you, Jimin,"

"Well fuck," he curses and then goes back to pouting at his front door.

I ignore his childish behaviour, planning to walk into my apartment but Jimin stops me by calling out.

"Hey, I'm actually being serious. Do you want me to come over and check out your apartment? You know, so you'd feel more safe," he offers kindly.

I smile at his concern. "Nah, it's alright. It looks like you've got bigger problems. But I'll be sure to call for you if anyone tries to murder me."

I hear him mutter something under his breath, but don't bother to wait outside any longer.

Kicking off my shoes, I make a beeline for my bedroom wanting nothing more than to go to sleep and pretend I didn't exist for a couple of hours.
My back is painfully stiff and sore from work and I was dying to take off my stupid bra.

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