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Carter POV

My body loosened up after closing the door, I couldn't hardly think what Claire is actually thinking of right now, to be honest this was one the hardest things I've done. But I know it's for the best. Hopefully one day this will all blow off.

I looked at my watch. Shoot it's 15 minutes pass 12 and Rebecca is waiting for me. Great another thing I have to lie about it.

I quickly scrowl my way through passing people to reach the point of seeing Rebecca sitting across from at a table all by herself. I paced myself to the seat beside her.

"Hey!" I say fast taking in deep breathes. "Are you okay? You're breathing really fast" She states. "Yea I'm good...tried to get here as fast as I could" I heavily breathe, she gave me a weird look "Where were you that you had to run here?" She questioned.

Crap. I showed a losted look , Clueless to what to say "Carter..." She said. "Music Room!" I blurted. "The Music Room?" She questioned once again.

So many things at our school and I said music room. "Yeah..I was.." I paused thinking of anything to say, then a great idea popped in my head "I didn't want to ruin it but I was planning you a big suprise" I made up.

A smiled appeared on her face "Really A suprise" She responded.

"I want to make it up to you!" I piped and then held on to her hands "Stop by the Rivercourt at eight tonight you won't regret it I promise" I explained.

She gave a quick nod "Okay then, I'll see you tonight" She held the smile, getting up from her seat. "Don't be late" I called out. She gave me a quick kiss "Trust me I won't"

When she left I felt really proud of myself, not until seconds later when I realized what I got myself into. I had absolutely nothing planned for tonight, not even a clue what to do.  "Good job Carter" I said to myself and sighed. I got 8 hours to think of something, hopefully something will pop up


Math Class

Claire POV

We were in between a lesson or more like our teacher Ms.Steelman ranting about how her 5th boyfriend dumped her, it also was the only class Cassie, Brandon, Ashton, Carter and I all had together.

The teacher clapped her hands to get everyone's attention "Okay class! I've got a math problem for you!" She started off.

As she began to talk Carter leaned over towards my chair "Here we ago with another story" He whispered. "Yeah I can tell." I say a bit rudely turning my head away from him.I wasn't in the mood to speak to him today at all afterthat he didn't respond after that and leaned back to his chair.

Everyone twitted their eyes bringing their attention back on her. "So We have two characters a girl and a boy"

By the way her math problems always have to do with her breakups or how many ferrets she has. Yes ferrets not cats.

"Our girl character just got out of a nasty relationship-" She said before getting cut off.

"Ms is this a continuous of the other story?" The student smirked. Small noise of laughter occured in the background.

"Yes, Yes it is now please zip it before I send you down to the Principal's office Thank you, anyone one else want to say anything before we continued?" She smiled while giving a threatening look to the class.

Everyone simmered down. "Good now lets continued"

As she went on a decided to sneek a note to  Brandon who was just a seat ahead of me. Once I finished it I tried to signal him without getting caught.

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