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I have a problem. A very big problem for me. My height is way below the 174cm average. I have freckles, and where big round glasses because of my bad eyesight. The most annoying thing is, my fashion. Do you know how bad I must be to try every clothes I can, but still look weird in it? Maybe it was the talent I wasn't suppose to born with, not saying the least. But even if I wanted to, my closet is only filled with plain baggy shirt and pants. If you call wearing grey loose shirt, with loose sweatpants and red bucket hat fashion, then trust me. The end of the world is drawing near! Not to mention these ugly braces!!! So in other words it's concluded that 'I'm ugly' so ugly that one direction went the other way!

So knowing that.....Why am I suddenly pressed against a wall with the most popular guy in school. Wait! To be more direct, the 'Prince' of the school, hovering above me. Babbling shit that my 150Iq brain can't comprehend......

And how did I found myself here you ask? Haha well-

A/n: I got this idea from a beautiful manga I read😏😅 I hope you like it.

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