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Friday, November 6, 2020

Emelio LaBeau's P.O.V

It's been two weeks without a word from Kas and it's getting to be too fucking much. All the questions and the concerned glances are beyond irritating. I'm fucking fine, I know she's okay and I know my dad's doing whatever he can to find her, that's all he'll tell me. The bastard says I can't handel any more information than just that and truly it's the bare fucking minimum. Very convenient timing to decide I don't need to know everything.

"She's relatively "safe"." He says.

It's not like we can involve the police, what the fuck are we gonna tell them? 'Hey, my sister's missing, we think she got taken, presumably by another family in the mafia. Oh yea, we're also in the fucking mafia lol, but disregard that and find my sister please.'

My mom cries on a daily basis and Juliette won't stop asking questions even though the only answer she's getting is "she's fine." Sophi is just waiting for me to fucking explode. She's been keeping me distracted in the most random ways, trying to keep me present in some way or another.

She wanted to be Danny and Sandy from Greece for Halloween and I couldn't say no so that's what we did, we stayed in that night and just watched movies and handed candy out to the trick-or-treaters. If Kas had been home she would've dragged us to some party, she knows a lot of people.

Sophi has been the only bright spot but I feel really fucking shitty for her because she knows nothing, I can't even tell her that her best friend is safe because she can't know that I know anything. It's a mess of a fucked up situation. She's been coming over almost every day and just keeping me company and I love her for it but it makes not telling her so hard.

"Good afternoon Adonis." Jules said opening the passenger side door. Our middle names really are fucking sick.

"Good afternoon Athena, any special place you need to be dropped off at or you coming home with me?" I asked, putting the car in reverse and pulling out of the parking spot. I can't wait to graduate in a few months, I fucking hate this place.

"No, just home, I have a lot of stuff to get done." I hated seeing her like this, the bubbly person she usually is just being so dimmed down. She's annoying when she's all happy but I prefer her not shutting up over her looking like she's on the brink of tears all the time, but this is fucking with her, her and Kas are close.

"You doing okay?" I asked.

"As okay as I can be when I don't know where my sister is." She got quiet and then looked up at me. "You're weirdly okay with it all." She finished.

"Dad says she's good, he won't tell me anything else but if shit was going left or there was anything to worry about he'd say something." It's true. I'm as involved as a 17 year old can be in this shit, if anything was really going wrong I would know.

"Who took her? Why? Kassie literally stays out of like everything. What do they want with her?" The questions, god fucking dammit.

"Jules I have no fucking idea, okay? Don't ask me shit. It just worries me to think about it because I don't fucking know."

"You have to know something. Do you not even have a guess? You know more than me and that's for sure nobody fucking tells me shit." Her voice cracked on the last few words and that was all it took.

"I think it has something to do with Xavier, but I'm not sure."

"Our cousin? Why would it have anything to do with him? We haven't seen him in months."

"He's dead Juliette. Dad won't tell me who did it, I assume whoever did do it has Kas."

"But why, what does our family have to do with them, we're cousins, that's it." I take it back, she's being annoying again, it's common fucking sense, if she's not dead yet then what do they need her for.

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