2. My Unknown Brother

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(Author's Note)

here I am writing a melodrama.

writing slowly my other stories.

Have a good time reading it.



After running away from the hospital. Beam went to the place where he lived with his father, his father's wife and Tul their son. He sneakingly entered the house and went to his room. He gathered all his stuff in a small duffle bag. His bag contains a photo frame of his mother and him. He took all his necessary documents. Took a few of his clothes and left everything else. His collection of novels, his fav one piece manga collection, his guitar ,the robot model he was making was left as it is. He quickly picked his laptop left to him by his mother and paused for a minute to calm his heart rate. He looked around one more time. The only place in this house where he would find solace and peace. This room for the last 1 year has been his safe haven. He sighed again as he knew it was the time to let go.

As he dragged his bag with his left hand.

Bearing the sour pain resonating in his whole body. A servant came and looked at him happily.

" young master..you are back.."

He turned to look at him with a tremor and hesitation.

Servant soon understood the situation.

Beam didn't try to hide his bag.

" please..." his words were almost like a whisper.

Servent nodded his head " you can take the back door ....I hope you find happiness.. "

With teary eyes Beam nodded his head and gave a tight squeeze to the other person and he ran away through the back door.


He was sitting in a bus staring at nothing.

" Boy where do you want to go??"

Distracted by the voice of the conductor, Beam looked at him with confusion..

" Where??" as the conductor tapped his foot.

"Where is the bus going.." Beam asked with a stoic face.

" Taipe village.."

" Okay then their..." Conductor sighed and gave him the


A 14 year old boy was taking a peek at Beam from the corner of his eyes.

Conductor moved forward.

Beam drifted into his thoughts again. He took out his phone and looked at the battery which died as soon as he pressed the power button.

Clenching on his phone as tightly as possible.

Looking outside the window cancelling all the sound surrounding him.

Apparently a boy had put the whole bus in havoc as he refused to talk. His head has a small bump on his head. His clothes had dirt on them and his appearance seemed rather dirty. Conductor asked him again and again to where he wanted to go. Older male anger was rising by the second and at last he shouted at the boy "If you are not buying then I am throwing you out.."

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