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I knocked on Junius's door as lightly as I could, hoping he was still awake and that I wouldn't disturb anyone else. I had tried to fall asleep for the past half hour or so but with no luck. I heard some shuffling and then the door swung open. Junius was standing there in a red silk robe. He had an unlit cigarette in between his teeth. ¿De dónde diablos lo ha hecho?

"Hey, I was-"

"Listen darling I know I'm just about the best looking person you've ever seen but sadly I'm into men," Junius said, cutting me off.

"What I- huh?" I said, my aching head trying to play catch up.

"I'm only joking. What brings you to my door at this unlawfully late hour?"

"You said you had painkillers?" I asked.

He straightened up and nodded.

"Would it be okay if I had one? My head is splitting and it hurts so badly I can't even fall asleep."

"Oh, of course, come in," he said, stepping aside. I walked into his room. It was just about as standard as mine with the exception of the walls and the very strange fact that his bed was placed in the center of the room. I took a seat in the armchair that was placed next to the window.

"Why did you move your bed?" I asked.

He turned to look at it and smirked. "I didn't. It was like that when I came in."

"Do you need help moving it. Like against a wall or something?"

He frowned. "Why the hell would I do that?"

"Where'd you get that?" I asked, pointing at the cigarette.

"A gift from those who brought us here. Found them in the top drawer of my desk," Junius said as he went over to the nightstand next to his bed and pulled out the little bottle of pills. He handed it to me and I took it. "Along with this," he said as he held up a small gold tube.

"What is it?" I asked nodding to the tube.

"It's an old cigarette lighter," he informed me. "My dad collects old shit like this."

I popped a pill into my mouth and swallowed. "How does it work?"

He held the tube up so I could see it in full. There was a small tab on the side of it that he pressed down on. The top of the tube flew open and a flame danced.

"Cool right?"

"I guess," I shrugged.

Junius walked over to the window seat and sat down. He opened up the window a crack before flicking the lighter open and lighting his cigarette. He inhaled deeply and let the smoke blow out into the night. The soft light coming from a small lamp next to his bed and the moon from outside illuminated his face just enough to where I could see it relax. His eyes closed as some form of relief washed over his angular face. It was then that I took note of the whiskey bottle sitting next to him. It was already half empty.

He turned his attention to my face, his eyes focused, like he was studying me. "You ask a lot of questions. And your nose is slightly crooked," he said finally.

"And you talk too much." I felt like an ass as soon as the words were out of my mouth. "I am so sorry."

Junius was laughing, a light, fun sounding laugh. "Don't apologize. It's funny. You're quiet as well."

"If you're going to sit here and pick me apart I see no reason to stay," I said as I started to get up.

"Wait. Please sit?" Junius asked. "I'm not doing it to be mean. I'm doing it to see if we'll get along."

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