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Lauren P.O.V

3 months has passed and me and Jas been hitting it off well. I mean we still have problems in all because we associate with two different kinds. What I mean by that is Jas is a 9.3 blood and I dont like some of her friends. But her bestfriend Tay cool as fuck . She the only positive part of Jas. We rarely see her dad though. He's always on the run.

When I first met him I was scared. I thought he wouldnt approve of me because I was from chicago. But Jay daddy was pretty cool. He brought me in as his own. Jay still hasn't told her daddy that I use to be a drug dealer. I guess she probaly didn't want me to work for him because she seemed tired and stressed everytime we spent time together. I'll never ask her to stop dealing tho. Thta's how I made my life , so why stop hers?

Me and Jay were going out to pick our matching outfits for school on monday. I wanted to get something simple. Like a cruneck , some pretty pants, and the gammas blues Jay and I just copped. But NO ! Jay likes to go all out. She want everybody to know that if she got it , I got it. I mean I like the spoiling ,but I like getting my stuff on my own.

"Jay bae?"

"Yea baby." Not taking her eyes off this all white pelle coat.

"You know I love all the things you do for me right ?"

"Yea of course. You know I love doing it as well."

"I know ." I gave her a crooked smile.

"Why that face ? What's on your mind?"

"I want to start working again." I said that too eagerly.

"Babe I told you this already, I do the hustling and you wear the profit from it."

"Yea but Jay , before I met you I was on my own. I was working for myself , getting my own clothes, and eating like these niggas do." I was starting to get aggravated.

"Look Lauren drop it . You not working while you're with me." Aye sir How much this all white pelle is?"

"Um thats $950." The dude was fy I'm not gone lie. He was light skinned with some pretty deep curls in his head. He look like he was mixed with something. He had on this fye ass red rich crew shirt , The retro 11's with pretty freckles on his face. I tried not to stare. Im too gay for that shit. I still wondered Why was he working in this place looking like that? Probaly a undercover dealer too , trying to keep the cops off his ass.

Jay pull out a whole band like she aint got no carry in the world." Why would you want to work and you walking around with a bag of money like me?"

I didn't answer her. Some days she really sounded like Charlene to me. I aint like that shit . Not one bit.
Charlene was an ex that I hated to bring up. Charlene was a drug dealer too. Charlene use to drown me with all the new shit everytime she hit me. My dumass fell for it and stayed. I thought she would change , but I finally gave up on her ass. Thats when I moved here.

"Hellooo earth to Lauren." She waved her hand in my face to get my attention. I didnt even know I tuned out on her.

"What Jasmine?!"

She grabbed me by my forearm." Jay let me go!" I semi yelled.

"Man , what I tell you about saying my government name around here? Dont nobody over here need to know who I am . You need to get with the program or you can move around like these other hoes." She said turning to the dude to purchase her coat.

All I know is I slapped the fuck out of Jay. "How fucking dare you call me out my name. You got me fucked up for them other hoes. But you know what, shordii do you with the other hoes. I'm out!" I chucked up the dueces and walked away . I didn't even look back. I started to feel tears forming and I just let them fall. Me and Jay got into it a lot because of these thirsty ass hoes and  bevause i wanted to start dealing work again, but disrespecting me like that in public was not gone happen. I walked all the way home because I didn't have no bus fair. Jay aint believe in her shordii taking the bus or the train.

"Ayooo mami." This sexy ass stud called out to me while I was walking across the street.
I ignored her because I refuse to be called like I'm a hoe or something.
"Sweetheart could you please slow down?'" She said running up behind me.

"My name's Lauren. Not mami or sweetheart . I know you aint know that , so Imma let you slide.

"Actually I do know you name." She smiles showing off her pretty white teeth with a little baby dimple on the right side of her cheek.

"Then why you aint say it.?" I say as I roll my eyes.

"Cuz you Jay girl and I aint want her coming out the cut trying to get buck with a nigga ya feel me?"

I aint gone lie shordii fine as fuck. She stand at like 6'1 , got the thot cut with little curls , and she got swag. LAWD!

"Awe . I guess you right, but Jay aint my girlfriend nomore."

"Damn Forreal. So you telling me I got a shot at getting my chance with you?"

"I aint say all that , but I guess we can be friends." I say showing off my smile.

"Ight . My name Treanna. I perfer Tre though."

"Ight Treanna." I slightly smile. "You got a phone to put my number in?"

"Yea. Its right here." She pulled out a whole stack of dough and A Iphone 6+.

"Ahh. I see you be getting paper." I say as I put my number in her phone. I marked myself Lord L.

"Talm bout your name Lord L. What that stand for. Lord Lord" she smirked.

"Its whatever you wanted it to stand for ." I say slightly flirting with her.

"Ight shawty. Imma hit you up tonight mos def."

"Ight Shorty." I say as I keep walking in the Direction to my house. I felt a sense of Tre watching me as I walked. I wanted to take a peek and see if she was. YUP!! She was looking . As soon as she saw me look at her , she quickly tried to turn around.. AHHA how cute.

Tre's P.O.V

Shorty ass was bad as fuck. I had to watch her walk off . I wasnt really into slim girls,Its just I aint like she fucked with my opps. For example , Jay. The fucked up part is me and Jay used to be the best of buds yo. But once her daddy became the biggest drug dealer around , she let the money get to her head. She started acting Different ,stop hanging out with her crew. After a while we just said fuck her and stayed hustling. Fuck Fake friends , where your real friends at ?

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