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Opal was sitting in my room, her legs hooked over one of the arms of the chair as her back leaned against the other. Asher was laying next to me on the window seat, his head in my lap.

I was dreaming, I think.

This past week had been hard. Trying to figure out I felt about my parents death was hellish, but I was finally starting to bounce back. If it was any consolation, I hadn't taken a sip of any alcoholic beverage today. But it was only 11AM, so no promises.

"Okay, would it really be so bad if I punched Eli in the face? Like just once?" I asked.

Asher laughed out loud and Opal shook her head, but I knew she was smiling.

"Yes," Opal said. "I don't think that would end well in any scenario."

"Even if I just gave him a small black eye?" I asked.

They both laughed again.

Opal stood up. "I'm gonna get something to eat."

The door shut behind her and I took a deep breath and leaned my head against the window. I hadn't smoked a single cigarette today either.

"You okay?" Asher asked.

"Fine," I muttered. My mind kept reminding me of all the emotions I should be feeling. I should be feeling them but I wasn't. I was pretty sure that meant there was something wrong with me.

"Do you want to talk about your parents at all? I'm sure it wasn't easy learning about them."

I opened my eyes and looked at him. "Them being dead, you mean?"


What do you want me to say?"

"I don't know, do you miss them?"

I mulled this over. Did I miss them? I guess after they had thrown me out I had assumed that eventually I would return and give them a piece of my mind. But now that I knew I couldn't do that, it felt like everything had been for nothing. If I couldn't tell them how I felt, then what could I do?

"No," I said finally.

"You were so distraught yesterday," Asher said. "I figured that maybe it was because you missed them and you were sad you couldn't see them in their final days."

"I don't think it would've been a good idea for me to have been around," I whispered. "Because if I had gone to their funeral, I would've danced on their graves."

Asher didn't say anything. He didn't have to say anything.

"Can you tell me something about you that I wouldn't know?" I asked Asher as I gaze down at his perfect, perfect face.

"Why?" Asher asked back.

"This is what I mean when I say you think too much," I replied, chuckling quietly. "Just answer the question."

"Okay, fine. I have to think."

"I am literally going to push you out of the window. Stop thinking!"

"Fine, fine!" Asher laughed. "I think my birthday has passed."


"My birthday is in the fall, and since it's now winter, I missed it."

A very good idea was dawning in my mind. "How old are you?"

"Well now, if I'm right in thinking that my birthday has passed, I would be 24."

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