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Three years later, Courtney and Shayne got married in the same day when they finally learned how to dealt with their feelings, the day they decided to dealt with it together, the day when they finally became a couple.

Those three years wasn't easy for them. There are times they had arguments, misunderstanding, and the other problems that lovers encountered in the relationship.

They came to the point that they took a cool off  because they thought that they outgrowth instead to grow their relationship together.

But with the help of their saviour, the one and only Mari Takahashi, they overcome the struggles they face with their relationship.
She was the one who made them to get back to their own senses. She kept reminding them how they love each other when they forgot to understand one another.

Even though there are bumps and turns along the way in their relationship, these made them stronger. With every wrong decision/'mistakes' they've made, they learned a lesson from it.

They become open with eachother. They tell the things that bothers them before it causes misunderstanding.
They avoid to have an argument by listening what the other would say.
They resolve the problems together.
They didn't let the madness driven them, because at the end of the day, they knew they'll comeback in eachother arms.

For all the things happened to them,
all they can say it's all worth it.

And just a month after their wedding they announced that they are having a baby.

Knowing they had eachother with this journey, the day, weeks and months seemed pass so fast. And before they know, the day they waited finally come,
when Courtney gave birth to their child.

"Congratulations, you gave birth to healthy baby boy."

The moment Shayne laid an eyes to their new born baby,
he can't take away his eyes from him, he followed every moves of the nurse who's carrying their child by his sight.
He only look away when he felt a gentle tug on his hand and he saw the love of his life, the mother of his child, the person who make his life whole.
He immediately leaned down to kiss Courtney's forehead, down to her nose and then her lips and muttered thank you and the I love you's.

Courtney can't even feel like moving, she's trying to fight the exhaust she's feeling because she atleast wanted to see her son before she drift to sleep.

"Mr. And Mrs. Topp, here's your baby."

The nurse gently pass the baby to Shayne.
Shayne look over to her wife as if asking if it's okay to carry their child. He was scared that he might end up hurting their child.
Courtney manage a little nod and she was smiling at sight of her husband with their son.

"He looks like an angel."

Courtney said so quietly when she finally saw their son and she closes her eyes with smile on her lips.

When Shayne was confident how he cradle his son, he held Courtney's hand and gently squeeze it.

Shayne smile as he look down to his son on his arm.

Feelings That Hard To Dealt WithWhere stories live. Discover now