CH 4: Escape

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(Clearwater, Florida)

1x29's heart stopped for a moment as he saw a burning pillar slowly falling towards him and Sierra. 1x29 covered Sierra with his body, hoping to somehow protect her.

While his body covered Sierra from the pillar, it didn't block her view. So Sierra found herself staring straight up at the burning figure, a mind numbing fear consuming her, as the realization that she was going to die filled her. Sierra let out a whimper, hiding her face in 1x29's neck, her heart beating like it was going to burst out any second.

They both waited fearfully for a their deaths, they waited for one minute, then two, then soon five had passed and 1x29 found himself shifting over onto his side to see why the pillar hadn't hit them yet, not that he was complaining. What he saw shocked him.

Surrounding both him and Sierra stood a wall of glowing blue fire, that had burned through the section of the pillar that should've hit them, letting the other pieces fall to the ground harmlessly near by. "Are you doing that?" 1x29 asked breathlessly to Sierra, who in reply peaked her eye open to see what he was talking about. She froze, mesmerized by the sight, her hand reaching up to touch this impossible force. Shock ran through her snapping her out of her daze as the fire grazed over her fingers harmlessly, feeling like a cool breeze of air. "That's amazing," 1x29 breathed, reaching up to touch it himself.


"What the hell is that..?" a fireman whispered, squinting his eyes towards the bright blue light emanating from where one of the burning pillars had fallen. "Hey! You two, point that hose over here!" he ordered one of his fireman.

"Where!?" the other, younger fireman yelled back at him, and the older fireman responded by pointing towards the blue light. "You got it chief!" the younger fireman hollered, and pointed his hose towards at the strange light.


Water. Water splashed against the blue wall of fire, causing Sierra to let out a squeaky cry of shock and fear. "We need to leave," 1x29 said as the water began to beat away at the blue barrier, reminding him that there were other people here and he and whoever this girl was, needed to leave immediately before Area X arrived at the scene. 1x29 got up and left, dragging the girl along with him the moment the blue fire barrier was gone.

The fire seemed to follow Sierra, it rose and grew around anywhere she passed. Baffling the firemen who were working so diligently to extinguish it and providing useful coverage for her and 1x29. "I need a shadow," 1x29 mumbled under his breath, then his eyes caught the large shadow one of the fallen pillars was casting. Perfect, he thought and dragged Sierra over towards it. He stepped into the shadow, pulling Sierra closer to him. "I would suggest closing your eyes," he told her, and she obeyed, to shocked and frightened to argue about anything at the moment. 1x29 closed his own eyes as well, and concentrated on the shadow underneath him.

For just a moment, Sierra's stomach got that strange upside down stomach feeling she always got when she was falling and she couldn't feel the steady ground underneath her. And the hot burning air that surrounded her just moment ago was replaced by ice cool air that stung at her skin, she panicked and thought about opening her eyes to see what was happening, but then suddenly she felt herself fall back onto the ground, a loud thud sounding next to her where 1x29 had fallen. Sierra opened her eyes, and was surprised to see they were in a dully colored motel room. "What-how?" Sierra blinked, her mind trying to wrap around the insanity that had suddenly become her reality.

"I can travel through shadows," 1x29 decided to inform her, Sierra almost let out a hysterical laugh at how casually he said the sentence.

"What happened back there, and why did you bring me here, and who are you?" Sierra rushed all the questions out of her head, afraid if she didn't speak them soon they wouldn't be answered.

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