⚠ special Married ❗

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⚠there are Many Photo that you ⚠ want to see i hope you have
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Jennie POV

"You've got to be kidding me?" I yell stressful "hurry up"

"We need to go to the styles" I groan.

"Is all the lady's here?"Tzuyu ask
"Okay now go get dress and some are going to do the hair and makeup"

"We dont wanna get late for the ceremony" Jisoo said

"Chaeng!? Why aren't you dressing up and stop crying it haven't started yet you beshh!" I said and hugged her.

"Im just happy you know!" She said and slap my shoulder.

"Now everyone get ready i didn't want you to look ugly okay" I said and they nod we made a hug

"Roseanne stop crying i dont want you to look ugly when you walk" I said comforting her.

"Okay i love you unnie And where's lisa is she done?" Rose sudden ask

"Where's Lis?" I ask everyone shake their head 'WE DONT KNOW'

"I think she dressing up the next room" Jisoo said and continue helping the girls.

"Okay im going to get dressed now bye see ya at the ceremony love ya"
I said and left

"Bye take care!" Everyone bet goodbye

I stop near by where lisa is and damn she looks good at that Dressed.

"Oh hi unnie How this?" She ask i sign her good 👌

"You look Blooming wearing at that dressed." I said smile

"Thanks ill see ya at the ceremony"

"Bye need to Change got to go!"

I continue my self as i see lisa finish with the clothin but not finish of her make up maybe the makeup artist will came.

I went go change my pretty dressed.

~Skip Time~

Author POV

Everyone is separate

The boys took a Hotel that far away from the girls the girl started to take some pictures and some are texting how do they doing.

They Continue to add make up a sudden the door open.

"Ah!?" The girl bow for respect
"Eomma?" Greeting Smile

"Ah my little princess im so proud of you you've grown so old." The older said

"Yah! Your still old~er Eomma " She said and made a hug.

"Oh im sorry to interrupt you my continue" The older said and she smile continue what im doing..

"Thank you for helping this wedding your helped me." The Bride said

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